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Pin Do-Yung

Lou Do-Yung Lou

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Pin Do-Yung was born Luo Do-Yung to a middle-class family, who was wealthy enough to keep her within the home as the upper class dictated, not that she would have been able to do much outside due to her blindness. She often spent her time playing board games with her tutors, debating philosophy, something that many traditionalists around her frowned upon.   During a particularly impressive debate with a traditionalist against her philosophizing or playing games, she caught the attention of a passing scholar. This scholar, nameless now, eventually introduced her to his circle of open-minded scholars. It was within this group that she would meet her eventual partner, Naima. An impoverished woman who managed to earn money as a mercenary and give herself an education, Naima introduced Do-Yung to the military side of the dynasty. Do-Yung took like a bird to the air and proved herself an adept tactician and strategist. The men and women she met in these two circles eventually became one of the most powerful and well-known armies of the Pin Guo.   When the prophecy that foretold the doom of the Guo dynasty was revealed, Do-Yung decided to fight for a new and better dynasty. Throughout the conflict, she revealed herself as one of the most adept and far-seeing strategists in the conflict. Unfortunately, Naima perished in the conflict and did not live to see their success. After the conflict ended, Do-Yung was elevated to the level of Queen, though she chose to stay in the military and become the Queen General, and given the dynastic name Pin Do-Yung.


Do-Yung received traditional training from personal tutors, but also additional training in the arts of strategy and philosophy from her habits of playing games and discussing with any tutors or scholars she could badger into playing with her.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Great General of the Pin Guo

Intellectual Characteristics

Despite lacking her sight, Do-Yung had an impressive grasp of the spatial situation as it was described to her. Her to guiding virtues of Equality and Understanding often shoed themselves in her careful nature not to overlook any person and strong empathy.

Morality & Philosophy

Do-Yung always felt that tradition was overstated, that is should never be beyond scrutiny, and instead of placing her values on the traditional ones of the Guo Dynasty, she instead focused her own philosophy around the values of equality and understanding.
Chaotic Good
758 844
Circumstances of Death
Peacefully passed away among old friends
Blind, from birth
Bright red, normally tied back into a simple bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale during her upbringing, but tanned after she began to lead
Quotes & Catchphrases
"My greatest strategies have come from my beliefs in Equality and in Understanding. No person or piece is useless, and should always be treated as seriously as any other. That is Equality. To feel what another person does, to be in their situation, and to understand what they will want or do in that situation is empathy. Using that to know anothers moves before they make them is Understanding."

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