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Verna "To see a world in Infinite Diversity, yet understand your own, is the goal of life." —Xenophanes

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Setting: Dark Fantasy, Hard Magic   Verna is an enormous planet consisting of five continents and countless islands and islets. The surface of Verna is covered by an unfathomable number of unique biomes, stretching from scorching deserts to freezing tundras, all of which are inhabited by diverse flora and fauna. The world contains vast forests, deep canyons, towering mountains, ancient ruins, and much more. The largest and most notable body of water is the Great Infin Ocean, an immense ocean that covers more than three-quarters of Verna's surface.   The planet's history is as vast and diverse as the geography. Verna was born approximately thirty million years ago, in a tumultuous event now known as The First Age of Cataclysm. At the end of this age, the land was reborn and Verna entered into an era of peace and enlightenment commonly referred to as The First Age of Enlightenment. This era did not last long, as The Second Age of Cataclysm plunged the planet into war, death and destruction over a thousand years ago. Verna was again thrust into another age of enlightenment, The Second Age of Enlightenment, when most nations agreed to sign a document known as the Sacred Accord, creating a set of laws to maintain peace across Verna.