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The Vernelan Calendar

The Months

The Vernelan Calendar contains twelve months, each being 42 or 41 days long with the exception of Voliþivur, which only has 37 days.

This means that the total duration of a year on Vernelis is 495 days. Every six years is a leap year, and Voliþivur gains an extra two days, making the full year 497 days.

The Seasons

There are four distinct seasons on Vernelis, each of about equal length throughout the year.

Varas is the season of great warmth and sunshine. It takes place between Okktavur and Vinvur in the Northern Hemisphere and between Mervur and Iþivur in the South, lasting about three and a half months.
Inverne is the coldest season and often brings snowfall in its coldest days. It takes place between Mervur and Iþivur in the Northern Hemisphere and between Okktavur and Vinvur in the South.

Aulus marks the transition from Varas to Inverne, often a time for harvest and celebrations. It lasts from Vinvur to Mervur in the North and from Iþivur to Okktavur in the South.
Primes marks the transition from Inverne to Varas, a time of rainfall and warming temperatures. It lasts from Iþivur to Okktavur in the North and from Vinvur to Mervur in the South.

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Cover image: by Sebastian Wagner


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May 6, 2022 05:28

This Calender design is one of the best thing i ever saw on world anvil. Good job my friend.

Jun 3, 2022 00:08

Thank you! It was one of the most fun things I've created so far ^w^