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Vox's Summer Camp 2021 Pledge Document

Written by UmbralGoat

Howdy! I'm very new to Summer Camp and WorldAnvil events in general kinda. I only really participated in WorldEmber 2019 and almost did 2020, but life got in the way and I was in a bit of a rut during this past spring semester. But now Im trying to get back into worldbuilding and I've revamped so much, so what better way to get even deeper than to join the Summer Camp!  

Week 1 - The Big Questions

I. Which project are your worldbuilding efforts tied to?

My world of Vernelis (once called Tellum) was built to support a group of Celestial Dragon deities I created, mostly so I could write some stories surrounding them and other new characters I have living in the world. When the Planets Align is one such story and I'm hoping that my current spree of worldbuilding and plotting will lead to a sustainable foundation for it!  

II. What world are you working on?

Vernelis, of course! It's my only world at the moment, and I'd love for it to be home to more stories in the future! It's kinda my baby.  

III. Which area of the world(s) are you working on?

In the northern hemisphere of Vernelis, there is a continent called Romseþirn, home to several important landmarks such as the Celestial Empire's capital of Iþivis. This is where When the Planets Align begins, and is one of the most important cities to those who worship the Celestials.  

IV. How much are you aiming to complete?

I would absolutely love to crank through all 31 prompts and nail that diamond badge! Though I may be a bit too rusty to churn that kind of word count out. If I end up getting into the gold range, I'll certainly be happy, but that diamond is the cherry on top =w=  

V. When will you write?

Mostly during the evening and night. I have a decent amount of free time, so I can probably afford to take breaks to avoid burn-out.  

VI. Who is your support network?

Really only my friends on the WorldAnvil discord! Y'all are so friendly and helpful, I can't wait to see what everyone accomplishes and I'm hyped to really get back into the thick of worldbuilding with everyone ^w^  
I hereby pledge to complete, to the best of my ability, as many Summer Camp 2021 prompts as possible, and with enough luck, obliterate the diamond badge with my mightiest of worldbuilding hammers! Voxol

Week 2 - Organizing my Worldbuilding

Im still not 100% sure of how I want to organize all of my articles, because all of the ideas in my head are far from being put to articles, or put to anything for that matter.

Regardless, I've done my best in the past week to organize what I have in an approachable way!

First Impressions

A lot of what I've been doing is trying to make my world seem as appealing and easy to follow as possible. Now, I'm not the best at explaining my own work, and that is something I need to work on. I think an introductory page will definitely be in order.

Laying it out

This was the first time I've actually fiddled with the article template feature, and I fell in love with it. So far I only have three: Species, Settlements and Characters, and as someone who tries to keep as consistent as possible, it's a godsend!


Once I started, I just couldn't stop! I put an icon on as many articles as I could, and tried to keep a consistent theme between the types of articles. Next I need to put icons on my categories.


I would love to start adding more categories, but I feel like my World Codex already covers the broad strokes of what is necessary at the moment.


I've always loved the theme I use for Vernelis, it's just the stock Eldritch Horror theme! I probably won't do too much to alter what it is currently. If only I learned CSS...


Images will be the most difficult part of building my world. I'm extremely picky when it comes to finding other art to use, and I am sadly unable to commission any at the moment.

Week 3 - Social Media and a Release Plan


I've decided to go with Twitter and Reddit for social media! On Reddit, I joined r/worldbuilding and r/WorldAnvil, of course! On Twitter, I've made my introductory post.

Article Release Plan

I mostly plan to announce my articles in three places:

  • The World Anvil discord; most likely in #guild-showcase and the chapter channel I'm a part of, #chapter-remember!
  • Twitter; I will try my best to post updates, snippets and full articles.
  • The r/WorldAnvil and r/worldbuilding subreddits.

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    Cover image: by Sebastian Wagner


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    Jun 29, 2021 21:58 by Janelle

    Good luck with Summer Camp and accomplishing your goals! I totally understand that Twitter struggle to update, I've never really used it before sooooo ^_^* (Also, putting icons on everything does get addicting and is pretty fun. :D)

    Seek out Fate in the world of Auriga!