The Code Legal of Corwynth

The laws of Corwynth apply to all citizens, regardless of demographic. Smaller settlements may have harsher or more lenient punishments doled out for crimes committed. These laws intact apply to major hubs of society and capital cities.   Punishment for a crime can include one or more of the following, based on the nature of the crime, who or what the crime is committed against, and the criminal record of the convicted:  
  • Death
  • Exile (for a number of years or summers)
  • Flogging (a set number of strokes)
  • Hard labor (for a period of days, months, or years depending on the seriousness of the crime)
  • Imprisonment within the dungeons or jailhouse of the local law enforcer (for a period of days or months depending on the seriousness of the crime)
  • Fine (payable to the city; inability to pay the fine leads to imprisonment and/or hard labor)
  • Damages (payable to the injured party or victim's kin; inability to pay the fine leads to imprisonment and/or hard labor)
  • Edict (forbidding the convicted from doing something; violation of an edict can result in imprisonment, hard labor, and/or a fine)

Document Structure

Publication Status

This document is publicly available for all at any local magistrate office in most settlements within the Corwynth borders.

Legal status

This document is valid by decree of the King and High Lord of Corwynth.
Decree, Governmental
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)


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