
Storyteller Seeds: The Nagas of Scoybra and their Yuan-Ti/Serpentfolk minions are spying on Astaria. Airship luxury liners traveling over the Sea of Dorath. Finnigan's origins are a mystery. Finnigan has several potential enemies/villains/nemeses: his mentor Xallarin (shadow-touched Yuan-Ti from Scoybra, master of magic and song), and Herix (Scoyvanian sorcerer). The Scarlet Butterfly Squad is active in Asteria. Finnigan's greatest fear is facing Xallarin, his former mentor -- Finnigan knows he would have great difficulty resisting Xallarin's charms...
Finnigan's childhood memories are very foggy. He can recall being surrounded by other fairy folk when very young, but can't recall who or where. His memories become sharp under the tutelage of Xallarin, a shadow touched Yuan-Ti from Scoybra.   Xallarin was charming and quick witted, a master of magic and song. Xallarin meted out both affection and fear, and drew young, impressionable Finnigan toward the darker side of fey [Shadow Touched feat].   Xallarin was of influence within Scoybra. Among his ventures was running entertainment on the luxury passenger airships that would travel between destinations over the Sea of Dorath. In a productive period, Finnigan worked the airships between Astaria and Scoybra, and other destinations. Finnigan would run various ‘errands' for his master, so he was essentially working for the Yuan-Ti elite within Scoybra, stealing from and spying on Astaria and others.   It was on these voyages that Finnigan met his first love, a Hobgoblin Iron Shadow named Jade. Together, they would craft erotic scenes that would delight and enthrall guests on long oversea voyages.   Finnigan was shocked to discover Jade stealing documents from a Scoyvanian diplomat. Confronting them, Finnigan discovered that Jade was a member of a band of fey outcasts (The Scarlet Butterfly Squad) and was stealing secrets from Yuan-Ti diplomats.   In their exchange, they were both discovered. The Scoyvanians assumed Finnigan's innocence, and immediately seized Jade. Jade was slowly electrocuted to death in excruciating suffering at the hands of Herix, a Scoyvanian sorcerer. The experience shattered Finnigan's faith in his mentor and employers.   Finnigan was not suspected, but had secretly pocketed the diplomatic documents. Finnigan slipped away as the airship approached Astaria, turning invisible and flying off into the city. He tracked down the Scarlet Butterfly Squad and delivered the stolen documents to them, thereby turning on his mentor/employer.   Finnigan joined the Scarlet Butterfly Squad for a time. The squad is a group of fey outcasts, robbing hoods for hire, yet always working for more noble causes. Here, Finnigan developed his rogue skills, as he undertook a number of heists of Scoyvanian commerce with the Squad.   But the Scoyvanian heat was after him. Finnigan befriended Grimmond Fireforge, a dwarf he had met in the bathhouses of the capital of Astaria, who introduced him to the Versatile Wyrms Adventurer's Guild. Finnigan thought joining this guild could provide better cover and protection from his former master, given The Wyrms’ infamous founders, and would relieve some of the heat on the Butterfly Squad.


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