Grimmond Fireforge

Grimmond Fireforge is one of the few surviving dwarves from the now-fallen deep dwarven hall of Thun Daral. Grimmond has a sturdy and powerful presence, with a battle-scarred face, and a reddish-brown beard and mohawk both neatly braided. Grimmond usually wears his helm, wields a huge great axe, and always has two hand axes at his side and a crossbow slung across his back.   On the surface Grimmond appears to be an axe-wielding fighting machine. But has a soft spot for things gentle and delicate, with a particular fascination for small flowering plants. Grimmond is slow to trust, but is fiercely loyal to those he does befriend.   Grimmond was a promising young warrior, and defender of the sacred temple of Clangeddin Silverbeard in Thun Daral.   With the breach of an ancient gate, Thun Daral was overrun by a legion of ghouls from the underdark. Grimmond saw most of his comrades overwhelmed by the ghouls, and was scarred in the fight to escape, but was able to rescue the orphans in the care of the sacred hall, including several dwarves and a young, fey-touched Svirfnablin named Sneetunk.   With the dwarven mountain tunnels overrun, Grimmond braved the high mountain passes to bring the dwarven orphans to the safety of another dwarven great hall. He then left the dwarven mountains to bring Sneetunk to a band of woodland gnomes far below the mountain.   It was on this journey that he met Aurora, and eventually fell into the company of the Versatile Wyrms.


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