
Fargrim Sumar was not physically recognizable to Shri'ke, it was only upon hearing himself be referred to as "Pretty Bird" that recognition seemed to strike Shri'ke.
At 2 years old, Shri'ke was sent by his family to join the monastery located in Nuport. After only a year and a half of "study", he was finally sent on his first ministry mission with an experienced cleric introduced to him as Koan. Shri'ke was uncertain what all his mission would entail, but was given a scroll by Koan after instructing him that he was not to open it until reaching Astaria. Upon reaching Lilyport, he and Koan were attacked by elemental entities. In the confusion of the attack, Shri'ke was knocked unconscious and taken prisoner by the creatures. When he finally awoke, he had no idea where he was, or what would happen to him.   At first, in this new place, Shri'ke was treated as an honored guest, and told that he would serve a great purpose for the Master of the realm he was in. But Shri'ke already had a great purpose, he was to serve Selûne, the goddess of the moon, as one of her Hands. That's what he had thought, until the "Cleansing Ritual" was preform to remove any traces of magic that may interfere with the Master's goals. Upon the ritual coming to completion, Shri'ke was rendered comatose. While he lay there unconscious, memory after memory returned. He did not join the monastery, he was kidnapped. He was not preforming his first mission when he was captured, it was his fourth. And, Koan wasn't a cleric he was to escort, she was the one who had been altering his memory. She was his handler. Fortunately for Shri'ke, he was needed aware for the lich to continue the rituals. Eventually Shri'ke did reawaken, to much confusion happening around him. And while his memories may have been false that didn't mean he couldn't use the training he saw in them to now save himself. Leaving the room he found himself in, and taking stock of his surroundings, he found most of his belongings still nearby, including a gilded and sealed scroll case. Escaping form the room was easy enough, as he found naught but corpses outside in the halls. Eventually Shri'ke managed to find himself in a grand chamber with a giant forge, and a glowing portal filling a large section of the far wall. He headed for the portal, knowing it may be his only chance for escape as he began to hear noises coming up the hallway behind him.     Unfortunately for Shri'ke the time spent comatose had rendered him too weak to maintain flight. He was only able to glide, slowing his fall, until he landed in the nearby mountains of Tempest Peak. Not knowing how far the monastery's grip reached in this area after his time in captivity, he stayed, hidden in the mountains trying to survive. Not long after, a member of the newly formed adventuring guild Versatile Wyrms by the name of Gar'rath came to investigate the Peaks. Not trusting this stranger, Shri'ke attempted to flee, however his wings were still heavily damaged and he was unable to evade Gar'rath and his drake companion. After many conversations where Gar'rath approached Shri'ke, as one might with a rabid animal, he was able to convince him that the guild had no connection to his monastery. With this assurance, bolstered by the fact that he hadn't been killed by this strange person, Shri'ke agreed to follow him to the Versatile Wyrms recruitment party. After a raucous evening with the Wyrms new and old, Shri'ke has decided to give the adventuring business a shot, and maybe find some allies to have his back should any sign of the cult appear.   During the cleansing of the newly acquired guild hall, Shri'ke died. A mysterious entity drained all life force from him, but as he lay dying he had a vision. The goddess Selûne appeared before him, and told him that his work was not yet finished. He was her only true worshiper aware of the cult disguised as her followers, having been an unwilling member before. She implored him to remove this stain upon her name, eradicate the leaders, and save the unwilling members like himself. Selûne, unfortunately, was unable to restore Shri'ke to full life, but rather a living un-life as Her powers are being diminished by the cults actions. Taking this small mercy for what it is Shri'ke continues to adventure with his new companions.


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