Gold: 1971g
Bandoleer 1:
Bandoleer 2:
Misc pots: 1x acid vial
Mage's Guild Gear:
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Taltaken Vambrace - While wearing this item, whenever you would hard cast shield, your AC from the spell is increase by 6 instead of by 5 for the duration.
Taltaken Greaves - While wearing this item, whenever you would hard cast Misty Step, you can teleport up to 100 feet instead of 30.
Guild Band - Grants message cantrip
Worn/On Person:
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plate armor
2 scorpion whips
krazaxian waraxe
daborkian claymore
an explorer's pack
Crafting Tokens: 5
Crafting mats: Electric Hair Strand (mod) | Blessed Flame (Mod)
Total weight: 169 (nice)
Max: 255