Alexander Gloriosa, The Ebon Wind of Dolten

Alexander Gloriosa (a.k.a. Ebon Wind)

I swear myself to slaughter,
All the fools who stand.
Before the bloody gift,
Bestowed to my worthy hand.
— The Hand of Decay

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A blonde-headed male with pale skin always clad in black. His lithe frame walks with the swagger of one who has seen many battles won.

Body Features

Flaxen-blonde hair parted in the middle. His skin is pale, unsettling like a sickly porcelain. His skin and hair both seem to lack 'brightness', a side-effect due to living near a small opening connection to the Shadowfel in Dolten.

Facial Features

Diamond faced with an angled chin, Alexander's most pronounced feature are his glowing, golden eyes, which seem to glow in dimmed light eerily.

Identifying Characteristics

Black tattoos race up the right side of his face and body when Hexblade's Curse is active.

Physical quirks

Walks with measured and deliberate steps, does not waste motions.

Apparel & Accessories

Black trenchcoat taken by a demonic Comandante as a trophy, and a cloak that devours light. Long black boots set to enhance and protect his feet attacks.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Sure am privileged I have this instead of an inventory or picture uploads higher than 1.0 mb.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • First Place in a hunting contest.
  • Champion of K'thrada's Arena of Death.
  • Stopped demonic naval invasion of Daborak.
  • Undead Dragon Slayer
  • One of the Seven Heroes of Greyfield
  • Became the Hand of Decay
  • Failures & Embarrassments

  • Charm Spells seem to take advantage of his prideful mind
  • Brutally Lost a duel to the paladin Placeholder, and again to the paladin Elderon.
  • Lost a duel to Rainbow, who was slain by the Imperium, denying his revenge.
  • Betrayed by Luca Volcain when he revealed himself and his organization.
  • Personality Characteristics


    Desires to constantly test his skill and growth, embraces Crowley by pursuing the Path of War, and ensure the strongest warriors to participate in the Endless Battle

    Likes & Dislikes

    Likes organically grown ingredients due to tradition
    Hates goodberries and other conjured or magical foodstuffs
    Secretly has a sweet-tooth - and hates it


    Religious Views

    Devotee of Crowley   Demonstrates his faith by never showing mercy to an enemy with the means and will to fight. Only in combat for one's own life can force a creature past it's limits, unleashing its full latent potential. Alexander will slay any number of foes to achieve this state, sending their souls to Crowley to be judged worthy of fighting in the Endless Battle, or to fade into oblivion.

    Social Aptitude

    Highly skilled, and knows it. Is he so arrogant due to his talents? Or is his talented due to his unshaking self-belief?
    Glowing Gold
    Flaxen Blonde
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "I am the Ebon Wind of Dolten, Champion of K'thrada's Arena of Death, wielder of the Blackthorn, Alexander Gloriosa!"
    Known Languages
    Common. Shadowtongue (Necril)


    Variant Human Race
    Night Guard Aspirant Origin
    Shadow Monk 6 / Hexblade Warlock 2 8 Class & Level
    Neutral Evil Alignment
    Crowley Deity
    The Forked Tongue Faction
    Ebon Wind Rank/Position
    5 Loyalty

    Strength 11
    Dexterity 18
    constitution 13
    intelligence 10
    wisdom 16
    charisma 13
    Total Hit Dice
    Hit Die
    +3 proficiency bonus
    +3 Strength
    +7 Dexterity
    +1 Constitution
    +0 Intelligence
    +3 Wisdom
    +1 Charisma
    saving throws
    +7 Acrobatics
    +3 Animal Handling
    +0 Arcana
    +0 Athletics
    +1 Deception
    +0 History
    +6 Insight
    +1 Intimidation
    +0 Investigation
    +6 Martial
    +3 Medicine
    +0 Nature
    +6 Perception
    +1 Performance
    +1 Persuasion
    +0 Religion
    +4 Sleight of Hands
    +7 Stealth
    +3 Survival

    Attunement Slots
    Armor Class
    Hit Points
    Blackthorn II 1d20+8 1d8+1d6+5+4
    Elven Kusarigama 1d20+8 1d6+5+4
    Unarmed 1d20+7 1d6+4+4
    Eldritch Blast 1d20+4 1d10

    Weapon/ArmorSimple Weapons
    Martial Weapons
    Light Armor
    Medium Armor
    Tool'sCalligraphy Set
    Chef's Tool's
    Brewer's Supplies
    Poisoner's Kit
    Thieves' Tools
    Level 4: ASI +2 Dexterity
    Ability Cap Increases
    +2 Dexterity (Dark Pact)
    +2 Dexterity (Forked Tongue)
    Kusarigama Proficiency (6/23/2019)

    Spell DC: 12 | Spell Slots: 2

    Secret Techniques:

    Immolating Murder Spear of the Wicked Empress
    Green-Flame Blade
    Evocation Cantrip
    Casting Time: 1 action
    Range: 5 feet
    Components: V, M (a weapon)
    Duration: Instantaneous

    As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the spell's range, otherwise the spell fails. On a hit, the target suffers the attack's normal effects, and green fire leaps from the target to a different creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of it. The second creature takes fire damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.

    This spell's damage increases when you reach higher levels. At 5th level, the melee attack deals an extra 1d8 fire damage to the target, and the fire damage to the second creature increases to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. Both damage rolls increase by 1d8 at 11th level and 17th level.


    Empress' Lance of Dark Death
    Eldritch Blast

    Ninja Trick
    Minor Illusion

    Forbidden Techniques

    Shadow Shield

    Ebon Speed
    Expeditious Retreat

    Protection from Good

    1207 gold | Crafting Tokens: 0

    Explorer's Backpack (89 lbs)

    • Night Feather

    • Fine Clothing

    • Cooking Utensils

    • Rations x8

    • Vial of Holy Water x3

    • Caltrops

    • Crimson Feather

    • Healing Potion: Basic (2d4+2)

    • Scroll of Shield of Faith (Special)

    • Scroll of Protection from Good/Evil

    • Scroll of Hex

    • Scroll of Shield x9

    • Potion of Invisibility

    Bandolier (Potion Belt) - Active - (6 lbs)

  • Healing Potion: Superior (8d8+8)

  • Potion of Poor Invulnerability (5 rd)

  • Potion of Lightning Resistance

  • Potion of Climbing

  • Poison of Malice

  • Potion of Superior Healing x2

  • Potion of Etherealness

  • Potion of Heroismx2

  • Potion of Invulnerability x2

  • Potion of Health


    Bandolier (Scroll Case) - Active - (3 lbs)

  • Scroll of Expeditious Retreat

  • Scroll of Shield

  • Scroll of Hex


    Bandolier (Potion Belt) (6 lbs)

  • Healing Potion: Basic (2d4+2)

  • Healing Potion: Greater (4d4+4) x2


    Bandolier (Scroll Case) (3 lbs)

  • Scroll of Healing Word x3


    Bandolier (Scroll Case) (3 lbs)

  • Scroll of Shield x3


    Weight: 110lbs

    Magic Equipment

    Clasp of Carnage Paragon: Blackthorn the Sanguinary - (41/297)


    Vambraces of the Cursed Forge - Attuned
    Vambraces of the Cursed Forge - Wondrous - Major Rare - Worthy 2

    You deal an extra 4 fire damage with melee weapon attacks. This effect is inert on an attack if it would already benefit from extra fire damage dice.

    Whenever you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, the target gains vulnerability to fire damage. This effect is a curse that lasts indefinitely, but can be removed by effects that remove curses.


    Crown of Dark Triumph - In Faction Bank
    Crown - Minor Very Rare (3700gp)

    Attunement: Hexblade Warlock

    The laurel wreath remains a regal reminder of victory, the two, leafed branches are connected by a singular black rose. Thorns creep along the branches, jutting out in cruel spikes. Whenever Momentum is gained, blood begins to drip from the thorns and the rose becomes a deep, scarlet red. While attuned to this item, your combat prowess is empowered the longer into combat you go, as you build Momentum towards your ultimate triumph.

    This item uses a resource pool called Momentum, which can be gained in the following ways up to a maximum of 5:
    -Reducing a hostile creature to 0 hit points through a melee attack.
    -Suffering a critical hit, but not being reduced to 0 hit points by it.
    -When you succeed a Wisdom (Martial) check, once per combat.
    Momentum grants the wearer the following passive abilities, depending on how much Momentum they have (you always have the benefits from the prior levels of Momentum):

    Momentous Warrior (1 Momentum)
    The wearer has advantage on Wisdom (Martial) checks, as well as Wisdom (Perception) checks to detect a hidden creature.

    Glorious Champion (3 Momentum)
    +1 AC, and +1 necrotic damage to damage rolls made by hitting with a melee attack.

    Triumphant Powerhouse (5 Momentum)
    +1 AC, +1 to attack rolls against the target of your Hexblade’s Curse, and +1d4 necrotic damage to damage rolls made by hitting the target of your Hexblade’s Curse with a melee attack. Additionally, you can use a bonus action on your turn to cast the Enhance Ability spell to give yourself the benefits of Bear’s Endurance, without expending a spell slot. If you fall below 5 Momentum, the spell automatically dissipates.

    The Crown also gives you access to the following abilities:

    Killing Rush
    When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you can spend Momentum to heal yourself for 1d4 hit points per point of Momentum spent.

    Mark of the Blackthorn
    When you reduce the target of your Hexblade’s Curse to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to gain an additional point of Momentum.

    Staying Power
    This ability can only be used when you have at least 3 Momentum. If you would suffer a critical hit, you can use your reaction to spend 2 Momentum and reduce it to a normal attack. You do not gain the point of Momentum you normally would from suffering the critical hit if you do so.

    The Blessed Blackthorn’s Curse
    This ability can only be used when you have 5 Momentum. When you use your Hexblade’s Curse, you can spend 3 points of Momentum. While the target is under the effects of your Hexblade’s Curse, at the beginning of each of its turns, both you and the target suffer 1d4 necrotic damage, for the thorns that bind you to it are not without its edges.

    All Momentum is lost once combat ends.

    Slots used: Base Material, Enchantment x2, Special Crafter


    Essence of the Slayer

    Essence of the Slayer
    Trench Coat - Minor Very Rare (3400gp) - Attunement: Monk (Special)
    3 lbs

    If you take a creature by surprise, you can choose to lose your attunement to any other magical item in order to become attuned to this magical trench coat instead. You do not need to unattune from a magical item if you have an empty attunement slot. This item cannot be attuned to in any other way, and it can only be attuned to once per day.

    You gain the following magical effects while attuned to this item.

    As long as you are hidden from all hostile creatures, you can move your full movement speed when you take the attack action, but before your attack roll.

    You make a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the first attack you make against a hostile creature you are hidden from.

    If you hit an attack against a creature while hidden from them, the DC for your Stunning Strike is increased by 1. If that attack is a critical hit, the DC for your Stunning Strike is instead increased by 2.

    Shadow Dance
    Whenever you bring a hostile creature to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to move up to your full movement speed. If you are benefiting from total cover or in a heavily obscured area at the end of this movement, you can attempt to hide as a part of this reaction as well.

    The Beast Within
    You can create or dismiss the image of a translucent jumping spider directly behind you on your turn at will. It is a purely visual effect, but it is always visible to those using Detect Magic on you. This ability does not require an action to use, but you can only use it once every 6 seconds.

    Slots used: Base material, Enchantment x2 (1 non-spell)


    Shaded Cloak of Abstruseness - Attuned

    Wondrous, Major rare
    Attunement: Evil alignment only

    This dimmed cloak was weaved by an unknown Duergar years ago. This cloak absorbs light sources around you, causing 10’ around you to become dim light, or darkness. Nonmagical light cannot illuminate it. If this overlaps with an area of light created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, the spell that created the light is dispelled.

    You gain advantage on Dexterity(Stealth) checks

    While attuned to this item, you gain the below properties: This cloak enhances it’s darkness. It now absorbs light up to 15 feet and can bend corners. Additionally, an ethereal screen will cover the hoods visor, preventing anyone from seeing your face, or whatever is held within. You gain Darkvision up to 60ft.

    Penumbra Fortitude - As a free action, you may sacrifice the enhanced properties of this cloak to gain 1d3+1 health. The item's properties come back on a long rest. You may reuse this ability then.


    Elven Kusarigama
    +1 Kusarigama

    Properties: Finesse, Twinned, Reach, Catching, Monk

    Special: A weapon consisting of a sickle (1d4 slashing) attached to a length of chain and a metal weight (1d6 bludgeoning) at the other end. You can attack with either end as normal. If you are grappling a creature with the metal weight, you can use your bonus action to pull them up to 5 feet closer and then make an attack against the target with the sickle if they are within 5 feet.

    Only usable by Alexander

    The Forked Tongue
    Mad Man
    Stat Array

    DoltenNight Guard Aspirant
    +3 Saves v. Fear
    +1 Wisdom
    +5 HP
    Perception Proficiency
    +1 Constitution
    Disadvantage on Perception Checks in Sunlight

    FactionThe Forked Tongue
    Anulling SaltsThese salts can be rubbed on the body removing any smells the character may produce for 1 hour. This defeats scents.

    MobileYour speed increases by 10 feet. When you use the Dash action, difficult terrain doesn't cost you extra movement on that turn. When you make a melee attack against a creature, you don't provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether you hit or not.

    Shadow Style Martial Arts

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    Unarmored Defense

    Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.

    Martial Arts:

  • You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and monk weapons.

  • You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike or monk weapon. This die changes as you gain monk levels.

  • When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or a monk weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action.

  • Unarmored Movement

    Your speed increases by 10 feet while you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield. This bonus increases when you reach certain monk levels.

    Deflect Missiles

    You can use your reaction to deflect or catch the missile when you are hit by a ranged weapon attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your monk level.

    If you reduce the damage to 0, you can catch the missile if it is small enough for you to hold in one hand and you have at least one hand free. If you catch a missile in this way, you can spend 1 ki point to make a ranged attack (range 20/60 feet) with the weapon or piece of ammunition you just caught, as part of the same reaction. You make this attack with proficiency, regardless of your weapon proficiencies, and the missile counts as a monk weapon for the attack.

    Slow Fall

    Beginning at 4th level, you can use your reaction when you fall to reduce any falling damage you take by an amount equal to five times your monk level.

    Extra Attack

    Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

    Ki-Empowered Strikes

    Starting at 6th level, your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

    Shadow Step

    You gain the ability to step from one shadow into another. When you are in dim light or darkness, as a bonus action you can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim light or darkness. You then have advantage on the first melee attack you make before the end of the turn.

    Ki Points: 6 // Ki DC: 14

    Your training allows you to harness the mystic energy of ki. Your access to this energy is represented by a number of ki points.

    When you spend a ki point, it is unavailable until you finish a short or long rest, at the end of which you draw all of your expended ki back into yourself. You must spend at least 30 minutes of the rest meditating to regain your ki points.

    Flurry of Blows

    Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.

    Patient Dodge

    You can spend 1 ki point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn.

    Step of the Wind

    You can spend 1 ki point to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action on your turn, and your jump distance is doubled for the turn.

    Shadow Arts

    You can use your ki to duplicate the effects of certain spells. As an action, you can spend 2 ki points to cast Darkness, Darkvision, Pass Without Trace, or Silence, without providing material components. Additionally, you gain the minor illusion cantrip if you don't already know it.

    Stunning Strike

    Starting at 5th level, you can interfere with the flow of ki in an opponent's body. When you hit another creature with a melee weapon attack, you can spend 1 ki point to attempt a stunning strike. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn.

    Hexblade Awakening

    Click to Reveal
    You have made your pact with a mysterious entity from the Shadowfell—a force that manifests in sentient magic weapons carved from the stuff of shadow.

    Hex Warrior

    At 1st level, you acquire the training necessary to effectively arm yourself for battle. You gain proficiency with medium armor, shields, and martial weapons.

    Hexblade's Curse

    You gain the ability to place a baleful curse on someone. As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target is cursed for 1 minute. The curse ends early if the target dies, you die, or you are incapacitated. Until the curse ends, you gain the following benefits:
  • You gain a bonus to damage rolls against the cursed target. The bonus equals your proficiency bonus.

  • Any attack roll you make against the cursed target is a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.

  • If the cursed target dies, you regain hit points equal to your warlock level + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1 hit point).

  • You can't use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

    Invocation: Devil's Sight

    You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.

    Invocation: Mask of Many Faces

    You can cast disguise self at will, without expending a spell slot.

    Campaign Abilities

    Hand of Decay

    Blessing of Crowley : Hand of Decay

    The character gains a +2 to Attack rolls for 3 rounds. Activating this ability is a free action at the start of the turn. The character can use this ability again after a long rest.


    Class/Racial Features & Traits


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