The City of Khao
Of the twin forms, the City of Khao is the floating city in the skies over Kalkatesh. This city is split into several districts.
Khao is truly diverse comparatively with the rest of the world. Some would consider them morally corrupt—the corruption not based on race, gender, nor religion, but rather wealth. There is a slight surplus of humans and lizardfolk.
Khao in both its forms are ruled by the Coin Lords; however, there is also a council of elders which governs the tribes below. The city of Khao uses it's considerable wealth to provide food, shelter and security to their ground walking brethren. With this odd exception Khao is ruled as an oligarchy.
The Khaon military is comprised of their native brethren when needed; however, it is mostly reliant on the glorious airship armada that not only protects the city but is also part of the city.
Within the city are guards employed by the Coin Lord called the Sky Knights, who use gliding and mounts to traverse the city quickly in the sake of rescuing any denizen that may accidentally go over the many edges and gaps of the floating city and prevent their freefall towards the ground far below.
Industry & Trade
The Economy of Khao is a multi-varied web of intricacy. It is comprised of several treaties which deal with the various countries of the world—selling anything from transportation, slavery to angelic boons. The Great Bazaar is a world power in which nearly all wealth can trace a connection to in some manner.
Khao is a shining example of technological advancement, specifically in the field of flight (obviously) and in the general application of alchemical engines. With the possible exception of Bleak, no other city or country has come close to the advancement of Khao. Their advancements include alchemical lighting, food preservation, beverage cooling and various other minor conveniences.
All religions are welcome within Khao as long as they pay their taxes and do not cause undo destruction or misery.
560 years ago, Khao was simply a jungle filled with tribes that warred with one another, that was until one day when ancient ruins were discovered by the Khaons. These ruins contained knowledge and indeed magical enhancements for the mind, in just a short time, the Khoans advanced to the levels of capable flight and in a time of great war that ravaged Kalkatesh. The Khaons decided that they would take up an isolation policy enforced by a truly lofty project. The floating city, for within the clouds they would be unchallenged and unmolested—but what to do with all the population—for the great city could not fit them all. The elders believed the fairest way was pure chance and so a series of random allotments were decided, these people would be those that would ascend to the heavens while the rest would stay below. Much to the surprise of those in power, not a single soul attempted to cheat, the allotments were made and the people that were unified in knowledge would now be separated by distance. The people of Khao are stronger knit than most so it was agreed by those in the sky that they would always care for those below; that as their fleet grew larger, they would land and gather the tribes. The eventual goal of the Khaons is to ascend all of their people. So they have kept to that promise for these 500 years.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization