The World Wanderers

    The World Wanderers is one of the oldest factions in Verum, founded in the first age as a focal point for human migration. It quickly became a faction dedicated to the way of the ranger — to tame the wilds and protect the great roads that allow travel to go smoothly. Bound between nature and industry, it is the ranger's duty to see that progress and conservation meet in a balance. It is their mission to guide the lost, defend the wilds, punish the brigand, and be the first line of defense against imbalance. The World Wanderers are not a particularly religious faction, as they must separate themselves from zealotry to keep a balanced mind with nature and progress. But they hold a deep respect for the druids, with whom they work very closely. The World Wanderers boast many members, even non-rangers as in the wilds any tool is welcome over an empty hand.


  Guiding Stone - This opal, infused with the power of the ranger stone, radiates guidance. While attuned this item allows the wielder to:
  • Always know the direction of north.
  • Produce the light of a torch on the stone as an action.
  • Heats and cools respectively to make the temperature more comfortable.
  • Be protected from the negative effects of temperature except in the most extreme cases.
  • A staff, a cartographer's kit, Ranger Stones, and a belt pouch containing 10gp   Improved Starting Equipment - Choose three from the following item sets to start with: x2 Bandoliers, x3 Potions of Healing, Pole of Collapsing, Antitoxin, 2 empty vials, Bullseye Lantern, Smoke Stick, Net, Hourglass.


      Attribute Cap Increase - +2 Constitution; this boosts the maximum of an ability score, but not the score itself.   Tool Proficiencies - Ranger Stones, Cartographer's Tools.   A set of traveler's clothes - A member of the World Wanderers is marked by their symbol, usually inscribed on a broach of their cloak.  

    Loyalty Benefits

      Loyalty 2  

    Primal Surge.

    As a bonus action, you heal yourself for 4d6 hit points and your next damage roll has 4d6 primal damage added to it. Once you use this ability you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.  

    Ranger Training

    All members of the World Wanderers are progressively trained in practical abilities, known to all those truly dedicated to the Way of the Ranger.   Loyalty 3
    Your Ranger training has granted you advantage on Survival checks made to track humanoids.   Loyalty 5
    Your time spent in the wilderness has enabled you to survive without the aid of civilization. You are able to scavenge for food in even the most desolate places and can find enough food and water to feed yourself and two other creatures while foraging.   Loyalty 7
    Your training in travelling the roads, and off them to protect the travelers, grants you the ability to ignore nonmagical difficult terrain.   Loyalty 9
    Your understanding of Nature and its impact has grown much since you have joined the Wanderers. You gain proficiency in Nature and Survival. If you already possess proficiency in Nature and/or Survival you instead gain a +2.   Loyalty 11
    You have reached the peak of your training, and only truly following the Path of the Ranger will take you farther with it than you are now. You gain the ability to cast the Beast Bond and Water Breathing spells once per long rest.  


    • Serve nature and the progression of humanoid kind. Find the balance between the two and make your judgments wisely.
    • Protect the traveler.
    • Never be wasteful in any aspect of your life, for to do so is to walk a slippery slope into complacency.


      Prime Ranger Avandaradae Dol'solomoine Dethria (Ava) - The first ranger of the World Wanderers serves not only as the main diplomatic presence for the World Wanderers, but she also keeps watch over the Rift—watchful of any dangers unseen flowing from its chaotic reach.   Deen'Has: Quetzalcoatl Samurai.
    • Healing is in her blood. Whenever a member of the World Wanderers would be healed by a spell or the Healer feat they are healed for an additional 3 hit points.


      Chapter Master - Ranger-Captain   Quartermaster - Ammunitionist   Ambassador - Ranger-Page   Member - Ranger  


      When leaving the World Wanderers you sacrifice all loyalty benefits, and you must return your Guiding Stone and broach of membership.  

    Additional Benefits:

    Creation of a new Kytolok   The city of Kytolok is restored for the war, and within it the reputation of the World Wanderers is heightened; Faction members gain access to special ammunition provided by the city of Kytolok.   At the start of each mission, choose a type of ammunition: arrow, bolt, dart, or javelin; and one of the following effects:  
  • Healing Leech. When fired as part of a ranged weapon attack, the Healing Leech ammunition heals you for an amount equal to the roll of the weapon damage dice on a hit. Furthermore, the affected enemy has all healing received until the start of the attacker's next turn reduced by 10.
  • Bloodthirst. When fired as part of a ranged weapon attack, the bloodthirst ammunition deals an additional [1d6] bleed damage on a successful hit. This bleed effect is removed on a successful DC 14 medicine check or HP restoration.
  • --------------------------------------------------------------   You receive three items (six for greater missions & campaign) of the chosen ammunition. These items lose their potency (go away) after the mission/campaign is completed, and thus cannot be hoarded.   These items can be traded amongst your party during your mission.
    Improved Political Standing: Dolten   Faction members earn an additional 10% gold from mission rewards based in Dolten.
    Faction Tool Empowerment: Brewer's Supplies   +1 Brewer's Supplies are made available to the Faction. Any Faction member can use this kit, but it cannot be removed from the Bank; additionally, it does not count toward the number of total magic items in the Bank for the purpose of the magic item limit.
    Great Coven Alliance: Human Illithari   You can begin play as a Human Illithari if you start as a member of this faction at character creation. As a Human Illithari, you can also join this faction after character creation with an Ambassador's Reach.
    Sangui Armory   The Sangui from Ryne have offered a supply of their exotic weapons to the World Wanderers. A member is granted access to purchase weapons from the Sangui Armory.

    Faction Loyalty Milestones Achieved

    Show spoiler
    • 15, Downtime - The faction itself gains downtime days as if it were a player, if 3 were awarded to the player base, the faction gets 3. These can only be used to progress agendas. These days will be submitted after each update stream.
    • 27, Gold Income - The faction earns 1000 gold every update stream. This gold is immediately stored in the Faction Bank.
    • 30, Forward Base 1 - The Faction begins to expand. You gain an outpost within the country that your Faction resides, Dolten for the World Wanderers. This outpost increases the magical item storage capabilities of your faction bank by 1. This outpost is not an RPable location, and can be destroyed through certain events.
    • 41, Armory - The faction opens its own armory, in which adventuring gear, proficiency tools, and non-magical and exotic simple and martial weapons, armors, and mount/pet barding can be purchased using downtime days, faction members buy these at 50% discount, players from other factions and factionless buy them at full price and 50% is directed to the faction coffers. When you RP the purchase with the Quartermaster of a faction with this milestone, you do not need to spend a downtime day on shopping. If you do not, you must spend a downtime day to do so.
    • In both cases you will need to submit a trading log in the trading-log chat below is an example.
    (at) Trading (at) Yourdiscordname Spending “Total Gold spent” at the (Faction name) Armory   Items bought and at what prices   (at)QM
        Then the QM simply Confirms by also putting in how much gold will be added to their Faction bank.  
    • 49, Forward Base 2 - The Faction continues its expansion. You gain another outpost within the country that your Faction resides. This outpost increases the magical item storage capabilities of your faction bank by an additional 2. This outpost is not an RPable location, and can be destroyed through certain events.
    • 50, Research Improvement - The Faction intensifies its researching capabilities. While the Faction has active research it will submit research days as if it were a player. These days cannot complete research.
    • 57, Downtime - The faction itself gains downtime days as if it were 2 players, if 3 were awarded to the player base, the faction gets 6.These can only be used to progress agendas. (replace the previous downtime buff).
    • 66, Medical Ward - The faction opens a medical ward, in which medical supplies, healing potions and anti-toxins can be bought using downtime days, faction members buy these at 50% discount, players from other factions and factionless buy them at full price and 50% is directed to the faction coffers. The medical ward stocks 6 basic healing, 2 greater healing potions and 2 anti-toxins each update stream. The medical ward can only stock each item up to the amount of members in the faction. Non-members and Factionless must RP the purchase of these materials.
    • 75, Forward Base 3 - The Faction expands deep into its country. You gain another outpost within the country that your Faction resides. This outpost increases the - magical item storage capabilities of your faction bank by an additional 3. This outpost is not an RPable location, and can be destroyed through certain events.
    • 88, Gold Income - The faction earns 2500 gold every update stream. This gold is immediately stored in the Faction Bank. This overwrites the previous Gold Income milestone.
    • 90, Forward Base 4 - The Faction expands its influence to the corners of its country. You gain another outpost within the country that your Faction resides, the World Wanderers may choose another country to build this outpost in. This outpost increases the magical item storage capabilities of your faction bank by an additional 3. This outpost is not an RPable location, and can be destroyed through certain events.
    • 120, Forward Base 5 - The Faction doubles down on securing its outposts, increasing security and supply to them. This increases the magical item storage capabilities of your faction bank by an additional 1. This outpost is not an RPable location, and can be destroyed through certain events. Design links pending.
    • 124, Gold Income - The Faction earns 3500 gold every update stream. This gold is immediately stored in the faction bank. This overwrites the previous Gold Income Milestone.
    • 130, Research Improvement - The Faction intensifies its researching capabilities. While the Faction has active research it will submit research days as if it were 2 players. These days cannot complete research. (replaces the previous research buff).
    • 140, Improved Kennel - The faction expands its capacity to hold pets and mounts by opening an additional kennel. Each member can now house an additional five Tiny/Small creatures, three Medium creatures, or one Large creature.
    • 150, Downtime - The faction itself gains downtime days as if it were 3 players, if 3 were awarded to the player base, the faction gets 9.These can only be used to progress agendas. (replace the previous downtime buff).
    • 163, Forward Base 6 - The Faction begins expanding its influence outside of its country. You gain an outpost within a country that neighbors the country your Faction resides in. This outpost increases the magical item storage capabilities of your faction bank by an additional 2.
    • 220, Research Improvement - The Faction intensifies its researching capabilities. While the Faction has active research it will submit research days as if it were 3 players. These days cannot complete research. (replaces the previous research buff).

    Articles under The World Wanderers


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    Dec 2, 2020 16:43

    Just curious, but what is their relationship with other factions?