Vaden Falls

Vaden Falls formed as land masses shifted during The Reckoning. The village formed thereafter as a means of transferring goods to and from the plateau. Vassilius Drake is the third overseer the Coin Lords have put in place since the formation.


Total population: 1,300   25% Human
10% Lizardfolk
10% Tabaxi
5% Elves (wood)
5% Gnomes (forest)
5% Kuo-toan
5% Goblinoids
10% Other


Vassilius Drake is the tyrannical overseer and representative of the Diamond Duke. Drake’s job is to make sure goods flow properly to and from the upper plateau down to seafaring ships at the docks in Vaden Falls. Drake has a dozen underlings to manage the day to day operations as well as a squad of 12 bodyguards/tax collectors.


Drake has his personal retinue of 12 bodyguards. Additionally, a ragtag militia of about 200 scouts, thugs and caravan guards can be mustered together in a couple days. Merchant marines are also available but they generally only protect their own ships. If needed, Drake can call for help from the Great Bazaar, but that is an expensive proposition.

Industry & Trade

Vaden Falls economy is focused almost entirely around supporting trade on and off the upper plateau. There are ship repairing docks, restocking docks, crate fabrication, cloth, cages, etc. Basic labor is also available for portaging cargo up and down the cliffs around the Falls. There are lodgings available, particularly for crews waiting for the delivery of cargo. Lastly a small cottage industry has also sprung up fabricating ‘authentic’ Khao carvings, typically from some exotic woods.


Familial groups typically have their own small shrines to whatever god they choose, but Drake runs his official business through a full fledged church of Babylon.


Several small research stations have sprung into existence periodically in the pursuit of studying flora and fauna from the upper plateau in the relative safety of the village. These are very seasonal and usually dry up once the research is done. So long as the fees are paid, the research station can stay open.


Vaden Falls is a village at the headwaters of The Vaden, a river in the Eastern center Land of Khao. Here, a broad network of waterfalls drain from the great lake high above. The Vaden itself becomes an estuary as fresh water from the Falls mix with the brackish water of the Sickened Sea.
Owning Organization


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