Worgs Species in Veska | World Anvil
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Often considered the apex predator of Llyne, Worgs are dangerous creatures that'll eagerly hunt just about anything they can snap their jaws into. From Humans to the massive fauna that are found populating the country, Worgs are known for their temperamental and hostile hunting habits, lashing out at just about anything that happens to step within snapping distance.

Basic Information


Worgs possess long, flat heads that end with a wicked, hooked beak capable of clamping into the flesh of whatever they bite into. Their mouths are filled with serrated teeth that hook, lacerate, and shred through any meat that happens to escape their dangerous jaws. This causes victims of their attacks to frequently be left bleeding out even if they manage to survive the initial onslaught, allowing a Worg to endlessly skulk after their prey until they've effectively bled out.   Worgs also posses very sharp, long claws. They are generally designed to dig and aid them in burrowing through permafrost or hardened snow, but are also sharp enough to hook into prey.   Their body is notably low-lying. They are typically low to the ground, similar to how a crocodilian's body is built.    They have a long, shaggy white coat of fur that helps them blend into their surroundings during their wintry months, allowing them to often be unseen by prey that would otherwise notice them.

Genetics and Reproduction

Worgs mate at a specific time; shortly before they estivate. During the spring, they gather together within an open clearing and find a suitable mate, before separating and estivating for the rest of the summer. Female Worgs sleep during the entire pregnancy process; and give birth to a litter of 1~3 Worg kits during their estivation.

Growth Rate & Stages

Kits: Worg young are called Kits, and generally reach maturity after six months. Kits are carefully guarded by their mothers during this stage of their life, where they ride on the back of their mother and hide beneath their mother's body during her hunts.   Kits learn through example; their mother keeps them tucked beneath her and she initiates her ambushes to quickly bring down prey, feeding them meals she catches before they're old enough to live on their own.   Adults: Worgs abandon their kits when they're about six months of age, though full adulthood is reached at about two years. Young Worgs do not have a high mortality rate despite this; with their biggest danger being other Worgs.

Ecology and Habitats

Worgs set their home in the cold environment of Llyne; they typically prefer colder climates and are most active during the Winter. Worgs generally seek land that's been smothered by snow, preferably where there still remains a dense treeline or dead shrubbery to help aid them in their ambushing.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Worgs typically hunt through ambushing, and are distinctly carnivores. Their massive jaws are capable of clamping down with incredible force, with serrated teeth designed to shear into meat and cause profuse bleeding.

Biological Cycle

Worgs shed thick clumps of fur shortly before their estivation period, which can often be found within their dens. Their winter coat is notably far shaggier, with long strands of hair that make it difficult to discern them from a mound of raised snow when they lay low.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Worg pelts sell for a hefty sum due to their dense fur being both soft and easy to manage. The idea of 'Worg farms' has been entertained several times in the past, but their rapacious appetite is often far too expensive to make up for the product they make.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The sensitive skin found on the beak of the Worg is capable of detecting subtle movements and tremors that shift through the snow nearby. This allows it to detect and notice prey as it approaches.
About 60~70 years.
Conservation Status
Llyne Worgs are often seen as pests, and are actually often hunted due to the dangers they present -- and the shaggy, pure white pelts they have during their active hunting periods. There is minimal effort in conserving them, though they still remain a dangerous risk to travelers despite that.
Average Weight
8,000~10,000 lbs
Average Length
25~30 feet in length. (7.62m~9.1m)
Geographic Distribution


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