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Lord Sundar Trey

Background. Sunder Trey is a self-titled Lord, who commands the White Crane Mercenary Company, a group who holds a high code of honour. He only allows his mercenaries to take contracts that do not tarnish the honour of the company and will only elevate their standing. Lord Trey is an ostentatious and cantankerous old man who can always be seen in gleaming plate mail adorned with garish ornamentations. His only true interests are ones that can bring him sacks of coin while maintaining the profitable chivalrous reputation of his company. Sundar is a man brimming with self-importance while trying to appear a man of valour and upstanding morality, though he is lying - even to himself.   Potential Story Hooks.
  • Low - Medium Levels: Lord Trey has received a contract to clear out an infestation of undead from a nearby graveyard and mausoleum that has been broken into. He hires the players to clear the mausoleum, but quietly asks them if they would loot the place at the same time. If they do this, they can blame it on the graverobbers who broke into the mausoleum in the first place.
  • Any Level: Lord Trey has been slighted by a noble of a nearby settlement, as they have refused to recognise his 'rightful lordship'. He has demanded a duel to protect his honour and asks any of players if they would be his proxy in the duel.

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Aug 8, 2021 18:33 by Ryan Stone

Beautiful header art from: