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Novonite Wizard School Structure


Novonite schools follow the following hierarchy:
General Staff < Fledglings < Neophytes < Gifted < Ace < Teacher < Specialist < Master < Administrator < Head Master   In the midst of that hierarchy, there are also two specific distinctions a member of the school is given that further define there place in the hierarchy.   There is a member's School. A school is defined as the particular distinction of magic that a student chooses to focus on. The schools are:
  • Abjuration: This school focuses on magic that blocks, banishes, or protects.
  • Conjuration: Conjurers focus on spells that create objects from nothing.
  • Divination: Diviners are masters of discernment, seeing through great distances, supernatural knowledge, and foresight.
  • Enchantment: This school focuses on magic that alters another's mind.
  • Evocation: This is one of the most common schools that focuses on creating magic from the elements.
  • Illusion: Illusionists are masters of creating what isn't truly there and tricking people into believing the impossible.
  • Necromancy: Necromancy focus on life and death, manipulating the cosmic energies that give life to creatures.
  • Transmutation: Transmuters focus on manipulating energy and matter to change one thing into another.
  There is also a member's Vocation. The wizard schools are split into 8 different jobs that The People of Novon see as necessary to be performed by wizards specifically. There are:
  • Voyager: A job defined by going out into the world and learning all that it can offer. This Vocation typically involves dangerous adventures in the pursuit of knowledge
  • Seeker: These people spend their time roaming the world hunting for what are called "Feral Casters". These are people that are innately able to cast magic at a strong level and are often a danger to themselves or there's if not taught properly by the schools.
  • Prober: This job is in charge of hunting for and investigating magical items.
  • Professor: These are the people who give back to the school by instructing the future generation so that they can go out and further the world of magic.
  • Librarians: This Vocation spend its time maintaining and adding to the massive libraries found in the various Novonite Wizard schools. They also often travel around the world trying to find new and rare books to add to the library.
  • Researchers: These are the people who use magic to discover new technologies or define the world around them.
  • Officers: These are wizards whose main job is to fight against the infected in whatever way possible. This could mean on the front lines, commanding soldiers or anything in between.
  • Public Servants: These are wizards that work with the government in many different ways including advisors, legislators, diplomats, etc.


Due to the many different classifications of the casters in the schools, the students typically end up in their own groups defined by their School and Vocation. These groups typically have their own stereotypes within them. For example, conjuration students are typically quite confident and sure of themselves as they see their magic specialty as next to godhood and Illusionists are often tricksters and trouble makers as their magic best allows for getting away with breaking the rules. Necromancers are often sullen and serious as they are aware of the typical evils that come with necromancy and they try hard to not let themselves be corrupted by their magic. Evocation students are often the most varied as they are the most populous of the different wizard schools. The Abjuration students are typically the most caring and compassionate of the schools because their magic focuses so much on protection and helping others. Transmuters are usually the most creative students and their groups are typically filled with artists and deep thinkers since their school offers a wide variety of tools that can be used in many situations. Divination students are often very fact orientated and typically they need a lot of information and careful thinking before acting because their school is so good at collecting information. Lastly, Enchanters usually are focused on keeping things in order and keeping everything the exact way they need them, this includes people that they manipulate with magic or at least they would like to.

Public Agenda

The Wizard schools act as a training ground to produce wizards who will help The People of Novon in their endless battle with the infected. They strive to make spell casters that are capable and productive members of society so that, through knowledge, they can make the world a better place.
Education, Magic

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