Elise Merrilin

The sky is a shattered painting on a black canvas. Three moons glow from behind the jagged lines. A broken, bloodied staff sticks up from the ground amid dozens of swords and corpses - not all human. A grizzled soldier walks towards a stone staircase, a wicked looking longsword coated in blood in one hand. In her other, she drags the head of some foul creature by it's white hair across the courtyard, leaving a trail of blood in her wake. She wears the armor of experience, greaves fit to the knee but not too bulky to restrict movement. Shoulder guards tight enough to deflect neck blows but only on one who knew to react in time. A tattered and freshly bloodied short skirt matches her bright red, ripped cloak flapping in the wind behind her. Two spears and a long staff with jagged metallic intricacies enwrapping a glowing blue orb stick out over her shoulders accompanied by her two long, red braids of hair. She wears a helmet, but the shield is up and her eyes are what really draw attention. Solid, smoky white orbs swirl in her sockets as if she were blind, though her demeanor speaks of no weakness She walks towards the steps and stops at the bottom of them. Atop the stone steps, stand two figures in flowing robes, and an old, spindly man who looks much more spry than he should for his age. The air is suddenly still as the parties watch each other, time stretching on.   Finally, the warrior lifts and tosses the head to the ground in front of her.   "The lord of murder."   One of the robed figures, a tall woman, glides down the grand steps gracefully and sidestepping the bloodied head, comes to stop in front of the warrior. She reaches a hand up and the warrior flinches slightly, though does not pull back. The woman does not hesitate as she cups the warriors cheek in her palm. As she does so, the woman's face contorts in pain and sadness and she looks at the warrior with clear pity. The warrior holds her gaze, defiantly.   "Forgive us, child."   Her hand begins to glow softly, slowly increasing in intensity.   "Heal what has been hurt. Change the Fates' design. Save what has been lost."   As she speaks, the glow becomes so bright it consumes first the warriors head, then her entire body, then your entire vision.
The Lady of Lore. The tutor of the College of Lore.

Laeanna first encountered Elise when she entered theĀ College of Lore guided by Lucien Amador. She seemed to know Laeanna and offered her assistance and allegiance in her mission, starting with granting her abilities and powers of the College of Lore. Additionally she taught Laeanna how to travel to and from The Eternal Archive.

Keeper of the College of Lore



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