Laeanna Lightsong

Laeanna Lightsong (a.k.a. Ana)

Laeanna is a traveling bard who had only recently left the city of Lusteria to travel the world and look for Borahdash. She is usually very happy and loves seeing other people happy as well. Especially if she was the one who made it so. She has a soft spot for children and their laughter. Music is her passion and her life. It makes her feel alive, free. She wears a black mask and it has become part of her identity, as well as her signature horns and lavender hair.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Laeanna has a small frame for her height. Toned stomach, legs, arms, and back.

Body Features

Her signature marks on her back (only she and a few others knows of). It starts at the base of her neck as one symbol and then flows down her spine and out like wings to her arms. They have been growing ever since she was growing and then when she stopped they did as well. She keeps them covered as much as she can. She generally wears long sleeves and something that comes up to the base of her neck. On summer nights they pass off as tattoos to anyone who sees them.

Facial Features

Laeanna has full lips, high cheekbones and a narrow face. Around her eyes is covered with a masquerade mask that has intriguing darker lines and sparkles in some places around it. She was given her mask by Borahdash after a an encounter with a string (see Failures and Embarrassments). He said he got it in a far off land. It is magically attuned to stick to the wearer's face and feels as if there is nothing on there at all. She has worn it ever since.

Identifying Characteristics

Black horns, Black Mask

Physical quirks

She bites her lip or the inside of her mouth when she thinks. Her ears get red when she gets mad.

Apparel & Accessories

Clothing that covers her arms and neck. She also wears a lot of colors, but nothing that stands out too much. It is tasteful. Piercings on her ears, a couple rings on her fingers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Laeanna was born on a beautiful morning in Lindel. Her parents were human. Laeanna also came out looking human. Her parents were happy with their beautiful baby girl. When she turned about one years old, her head started growing two protrusions as well as one on her backside. There were also strange tattoos that began spreading throughout her back and arms. Her parents knew what this meant but were unaware that they had any type of demonic lineage in either of their families. They soon realized that although Lusteria was, in general, accepting of most races, tieflings were still viewed with skepticism in less educated areas. How could two humans have a tiefling child? What had they or their ancestors done? Will she grow up to summon her demon here? Would she curse the village or one day destroy it? As her features grew more and more noticeable her family decided to leave the village of Lindel and make a new life in the capital city of Lustria in the hopes of increasing her chances of success in the world. Around the age of 7 she made it hobby to sneak into the roof of the balcony of the taverns and listen to the music that was always playing. She would sit there for hours and watch the performers play their instruments. One day she was waiting for the performers to come back from their break hanging from the rafters when she heard a man with a deep voice say “You come here a lot, little girl” Startled she almost falls off and then recovers herself. One of the performers was leaning against the pillar on the balcony looking up at her. He had on very colorful clothing and a large Viol on his back. But the thing that she became aware of the most, was that he was an orc. She hides from him as best as she can and pulls up her cloak further over her head. “Do you like music?” He asks lighting up a pipe. She nods her head quickly, but hides herself still. “Do you want to learn to play music?” he asks taking a puff from his pipe. She peaks out a little from that and says quietly “I like to sing.” He looks up at her hidden self. “Do you now?” She will slowly climb down the rafters onto the balcony and gingerly walk up to him. “I can show you.” She says. Over the next month Borahdash teaches Laeanna how to play instruments. He is surprised when he hears her singing voice. At such a young age she has one of the most beautiful voices he has ever heard. He teaches her how to use her voice to cast magic. She soon realizes that with this voice, her tattoos grow more and spread further. When Borahdash has to leave he promises he will come back so he can check up on her to see how he is doing. Throughout the years he does come back and watch her grow up. He sees that she has mastered the skills he has taught her and learned a few of her own. One day his band shows up and he is not with them. When Laeanna asks where he was, they said that they had parted ways somewhere in the Kingdom of Valencia but did not seem interested in discussing the details any further. When Laeanna finally turned 18 she wanted to see the world and if she could find Borahdash. She left saying good-bye to her parents and Lustria . She traveled on the road for a few years, doing solo entertainment jobs in inns and taverns. She found it was harder to make ends meet on your own than she initially thought and didn't make it quite as far as she had hoped, though her experiences had certainly honed her charisma and performance skills - even if only as a way to put food in her stomach.

Gender Identity





Lessons of Borahdash on becoming a Bard. Stories of History from his stories and others.


She sang in taverns but when she was younger and up to her teen years she worked in a dressmakers shop. She learned to sew and mend clothing. She got pretty good and was able to make her own clothing after a time. She needed better clothing as a bard and it was cheaper to buy fabric than for someone else to make her clothing unique for her.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She was the fastest Jacks player on the east side. Beat all the boys and took their money. She knocked out a kid once.

Failures & Embarrassments

When she first started playing for a crowd in the street she bought a very cheap lute. During a festival while she was playing one of the strings snapped in her face. It started bleeding and the people laughed. She ran to an alley and smashed the lute to bits. Borahdash found her bloodied and out of breath, holding the pieces of the lute. She looked mortified of what she had just done. He brought her back home for her mother to bandage her wound. It did leave a scar from the middle of her nose to the top of her brow. She was ashamed of it. Boradash left and then came back with a gift, A mask for her to wear. The inside said To: My Ana, From Borahdash. She has worn it ever since.

Mental Trauma


Intellectual Characteristics

She is very good at using her words to get what she needs out of people.

Personality Characteristics


People enjoying her music. Finding Borahdash

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Schooling in the history of the world, as well as current politics.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: to be clean, fancy outfits

Vices & Personality flaws

I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My sharp tongue lands me in trouble. I can't help but pocket loose coins and other trinkets I come across. My pride will probably lead to my destruction

Personality Quirks

Touches the back of her neck every now and again.


Relatively clean as often as she can be (Prestidigitation)


Hobbies & Pets

Unnamed felines (2)
Chaotic Good
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"See here's the thing..."
Known Languages
Common, Infernal (although she doesn't realize she knows it until she hears it or says something in it)


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