Mina Understone

Laeanna's first and longest childhood friend after moving to the city of Lustria. Laeanna met Mina in an alley a few month's after moving to the city. Hearing Mina being bullied for the tiny horns on her head enraged Laeanna, who got into her first real fight at the age of 13. More of a one hit KO, Laeanna surprised the leader of the group by knocking him so hard in the back of the head he passed out. The remaining scoundrels scattered and as Laeanna helped a teary, determined eyed Mina to her feet, a long lasting friendship began.

Mina is the daughter of Barlo Understone, the Minister of Agriculture and Industry and a seat on the The Council of Seven. Mina's tale of what Laeanna did for her endeared her family to her father who used many of his connections to guarantee supplies and needed research for Laeanna's father over the years.

Mina has four siblings, one older and three younger.

Assistant to Barlo Understone.



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