
Telum are the blades of the Kingsguard. Light swords infused with magical energy to allow enhanced strikes and unique tricks. The Kingsguard undergo years of intensive training to be able to properly wield Telum and an unofficial hierarchy is known to the guard by how many of the blades one can wield simultaneously. Many suspect that there is a secret other than pure physical/magical training that allows the guard to wield the blades the way they do, however these rumors have never been confirmed.

Others have occasionally attempted to wield them with varying success.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The magical aura of the user allows the blade to be used as an extension of the body. Disconnecting the blades and allowing them to fly is essentially the same as being able to will your arms to disconnect and requires years of intensive training.

Manufacturing process

Until recently, there were only two known smiths in the world who could create Telum. Recently, Grog and Pike Steelleaf have seemingly uncovered this creation process however.
3-5 lbs


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