The Journal

A journal that transcends space and time.

I give this to you that you may record, as you ever have better than I, the greatest and final feat of our minds that shall span eternity.
~ Genmus

  Entry 1 (Two pages torn out before this entry):
Hello self. Future self? Odd that after a thousand catalogings, viewing one's own thoughts in ink feels strange.

Today was the beginning of a new era ~ or so we hope. After so long holding the key, we have stumbled upon the door of eternity. I daren't whisper of it to anyone else, but Genmus has petitioned me to record what may become our very own origin.

I feel, feel? for the first time in a long time - anxious. I know they feel it too. Excitement. Anticipation. Anxiety. We haven't been this alive in ages. No matter our emotions, no matter how daunting the task, it is the culmination of our very own selves.

We must succeed. We will succeed.
~ L

Entry 2:
Work on Genmus' project proceeds apace. Together we have created a cradle of sorts for the initial energy patterns. I must admit however, that is not the purpose of this entry.

I am still not convinced there is merit in this recording of things we could not possibly forget. Neigh, instead I shall record something new. Whilst crafting the weave, I stumbled across an oddity. Beneath the infinite tendrils, I felt a presence. I am certain it was not one of ours, though none other could possibly be inside the fabric of the universe itself.

I have begun to delve mine own memory, but as always there is no beginning. No before. Nor can I foresee an after. What then could be outside our reach? What then could be watching?

I will investigate this further, for knowledge not known to us should be only that which we have not created yet.
~ L
  Entry 3: (Torn out. Missing.)
I scoured the catalogs for what seemed every morsel of information before I found it. The cradle. The creation. We are not the first. There is something older than us. Something that watches us. I know not why, but I must find a way to tell the others without arousing it. I fear it knows my thoughts, therefore I do not dare even think the words I record here. 

It has tampered with our creation. Perhaps even Genmus' mind. Perhaps even... mine.

If I fail, if one of you find this, look in the source. Find the weave, find the weaver. It knows.
~ L
  Entry 4:
The cradle is complete. It is, as Genmus predicted, a masterwork of eternity. He is infatuated with it and now I understand why. Unfortunately, Minerva does not feel the same way.

She left us just before it was finished. I tried to follow, but she does not want me to. She argued with him before leaving. He will not tell me why. Something bothers me about all of this, though I cannot put my finger on it. There is a strange sensation when I try to analyze deeper. I simply...forget why.

I will get to the bottom of this. But first, I must find where she went. I am empty without her.
~ L


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