BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a West Marches Campaign?(The following is adapted from this thread) Unlike a traditional D&D campaign with a set group of players, a regular schedule, and a structured story arc, a West Marches Campaign is characterized by a more free-form, sandbox-type play style, often featuring multiple DMs, player-driven missions, and open world exploration. Some things you can expect from a West Marches are:
    • Sessions don't have a regular group of players, but pull from a larger pool each session
    • Each session is self contained and begins and ends at the same point of origin
    • The DM sets out potential challenges and the players choose which ones to follow, and where to go and what to do in advance
    • New quest hooks can be picked up by any group of players
    • PCs spend their downtime in the same town, so word gets round about what happens on each adventure; players are encouraged to write up shared session reports
    • There is a shared world map, that's potentially incomplete or unreliable; there's a big, sprawling map with lots of empty space but also lots of stuff to do
    • Session content is loosely tiered based on average player level
    • There is an active meta-game around players forming parties and deciding when to do what in real-life
    • The world evolves over real-time
    • There's no singular overarching storyline; the game is about exploration and discovery
  • Do I have to use DnD Beyond? Yes, you are required to make a character sheet that can be accessed by the DMs at all times via DnD Beyond. You do not need to purchase content; you may join our campaign to access all allowed books and materials to build and level a character.
  • Do I have to use Voice Chat to play? Yes, in order to play in live sessions, it is much easier if you have access to the Discord voice chat. However, you may play in text-based Arena sessions without voice chat.
  • Can I help or receive help from another PC for a Downtime Activity? Yes, but providing help takes the Downtime Activity of the PC giving the help to do, the helping PC must have proficiency in the skill being rolled, and they must post their DTA stating they are helping BEFORE the activity roll is made by the PC receiving help. The Help Action gives advantage on the roll and does not lower the DC.
  • What auto-drops concentration on a spell? Any spell or condition that causes incapacitation automatically drops concentration on a spell without a concentration check.
  • Does the server use Flanking rules? No.
  • How does having cover work in the server? Half-cover adds a +2 to AC, 3/4-cover adds +5 to AC. Attacking from behind two or more allies also grants cover to the target. Whether or not an enemy or player has cover according to the terrain/map layout is up to the DM.

More FAQs to be added as needed


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