BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Game Play Rules

General Game Rules

  • Always read the posted server Announcements!
  • We generally follow RAW, except for DM homebrew or House Rules exceptions.
  • We are an age 18+ server, so expect some language and some mature content. That being said, Fade to Black is your friend.
  • DMs have final say on all rulings. Don't argue with the DM in game. If you have a question or concern about a decision, send the DM a private message.
  • Our games are and always will be free, but if you're ever feeling generous and wish to donate to the cause of off-setting the costs of accounts, books, maps, etc., please consider DONATING

Signing up for a Session

  • Game sessions are played in Roll20 using the DnDBeyond VTT extension, and over Discord voice chat (links in Discord).
  • Game sessions are posted by DMs and available to tagged player levels, and players are on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Players may also organize their own party to continue with an in-progress hook, upon DM availability.

Reacting to Game Posts

  • Accepted means you are available and qualify for the tagged levels. Players that accept after a party is full will automatically be put on the Wait List.
  • Tentative means you aren't sure of your availability and/or are over or under the tagged levels but are still interested.
  • Players on the Wait List have priority over players on the Tentative list to fill in for drops or no-shows.
  • Weekly Game Play resets on Mondays. If you are signed up as a player in two games* during the week, you must sign up as Tentative for all subsequent games. Players that sign up as Tentative for this reason may switch to Accepted if there is still room in the game on the day of the session. (For same-day game posts, it is up to the DMs discretion).
  • *Currently, this rule does not include RP-based/Player Driven sessions, but that may change in the future. Just try to be considerate.
  • If you sign up for a game, the understanding is that you intend to show up and play it. If you are unsure of your availability, please use the Tentative option.
  • If you know that you will not be able to play, let the DM and the rest of the party know as soon as possible. This holds especially true for pre-planned/player-driven sessions.

Character Creation

Allowed content and sources include WotC official books.


  • Spelljammer races and all related content
  • Death Cleric subclass
  • Oathbreaker Paladin subclass
  • We start at Level 1, use Point Buy for stats, and leveling up is based on XP
  • We use Class/Background Equipment to start, 50gp in lieu of background/class gold, Encumbrance Rules (including coin weight), and HP is fixed (so be sure to make those adjustments when you're making your sheet).
  • We use the updated PHB material, where applicable. No material labeled as "Legacy" may be used, including Races, Base Classes, Feats, Subclasses, and Spells.
  • Third party Grim Hollow subclasses and spells are currently allowed. Please note that the only Grim Hollow races allowed are Disembodied and Welchelkind. (Grim Hollow material can be found in our DnDBeyond campaign - link on Discord). No other third party or homebrew races or subclasses are allowed.
  • Players who choose any of the Strixhaven backgrounds, or the perks of Strixhaven backgrounds as part of a Custom Background, for their character build MUST enroll in Springreach University and maintain their GPA in order to keep the boons of the background.
  • "Flavoring" attacks, weapons, etc. is allowed; however, the flavoring must make sense in the context of the official chosen weapon, etc. and cannot change the mechanics or imply that the mechanics are changed. For example, daggers can be re-flavored as shuriken (throwing stars), but cannot be re-flavored as lightning bolts. For help or questions regarding re-flavoring your character, talk to the DMs.
  • Character sheets can be made and updated in our DnDBeyond campaign (link in Discord server). When you are done with your sheet, please leave the campaign so that others may use it. You may rejoin each time you need to level up/make adjustments.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Shared content often shows up in our DnDBeyond Campaign, but not all of it is allowed. Be cautious of any spells/abilities/items/etc. that look Homebrewed. Ask the DMs if you are unsure whether something is allowed.

House Rules


  • All players are free to retire a character and make a new one at any time.
  • Retiring characters cannot leave any items/money to their new character; new characters start from scratch.
  • New character sheets must be posted in character-creation and approved by a DM or Admin.

Loot Split

  • All loot gathered through the course of a session is split after the session is complete.
  • The DM or a player can keep track of loot, and post the list in the loot-split channel
  • Coins are split evenly among party members.
  • The party can discuss with each other who is interested in items. If only one person is interested, or if the party agrees a particular member should have an item, they may claim the item.
  • If more than one person wants an item and no consensus can be reached, interested party members may roll a d20. Highest roll claims the item.
  • If an item is on the Wish List of a player in the session, that player gets priority for that item. If more than one player has it on their list, those players have priority for a Roll Off.
  • Party members should try to split loot as fairly as possible between players. (Don't be greedy!)
  • Once loot is distributed, make sure to list who claimed what item in the loot-split post.

XP Split Upon Player Death(s)

  • Session XP will be divided by the amount of total players in the session, regardless of any character deaths.
  • An optional bonus may be granted to the surviving party members on the DM's discretion.


  • Common Potions of Healing are available to all player levels. More advanced Potions of Healing are available based on player level. At the start of each session upon player request, the DM will roll for the amount of potions and other basic herbal components currently available at The Mortar and Pestle:
    • Potions of Healing:
      • Common: 1d10+6 available; 50gp each (all PC levels)
      • Greater: 1d6+1 available; 150gp each (PC levels 5+)
      • Superior: 1d4+1 available; 450gp each (PC levels 10+)
      • Supreme: 1d2 available; 950gp each (PC levels 15+)
    • Misc Herbs: 1d100GP worth
    • Oils: 1d100GP worth
    • Incense: 1d100GP worth
    • Spices: 1d100GP worth
  • Taking a potion for yourself is a bonus action; feeding a potion to someone else is an action.

Magic Items

  • Magic Item Rarity is limited by level AND by DM Discretion.
  • Only Common Potions of Healing can be purchased in the Market Place at will.
  • Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, or Legendary items may be earned through game play in session loot rewards, crafted in Downtimes, or earned through plot and RP while working with a DM.
  • If there's something you're after, post a Wish List and the DMs may take those items into consideration when choosing rewards for our games or during special server events. Please be aware that putting an item on your wish list does not necessarily guarantee you will get that item.
  • For more information on Magic Items and Crafting, go HERE.


  • Multi-classing must be addressed in-character through RP or in Live-Play sessions with a DM. DMs are available to help with ideas/NPCs/etc.
  • Multi-classing is limited to 2 classes.

Changing Subclass

  • As per Tasha's, you may change your subclass when you would normally gain a new subclass feature. If you decide to make this change, please let the DMs know for approval. Choose another subclass that belongs to your class. You may only do this once per character and you may not switch back once done, no exceptions.
  • In order to make this change, you will need to spend time devoted to the transition, as you study the ways of the new specialization. This transition requires a number of DTAs equal to half your new level in the class; a higher level represents more to learn. During this time, you must also dedicate some energy to relevant RP to "explain" the change and have it make sense for your character.
  • It also requires an expenditure of money to pay for training, magical reagents, or other goods needed for the transition. The cost is 100gp times your new level.
  • Once these requirements have been met, replace all your old subclass features with the features of the new subclass that are for your new level and lower.
*These requirments have been adapted from those published on DnDBeyond.

Providing the Help Action

  • While a PC does not need Proficiency in a skill to make a skill check, they must have proficiency in that skill in order to provide the Help Action.

Lingering Injuries

  • For rules about Lingering Combat Injuries, go HERE.


  • Players may non-lethally spar with each other for fun by using dice rolls and RP in The Arena
  • Antagonistic PVP must make narrative sense and be rooted in RP. Non-lethal PVP may be played out in The Arena.
  • PVP cannot result in death unless both players agree, and these combats must be overseen by an available DM. If you die: NO WHINING. Generally, PVP is frowned upon.

We reserve the right to add or amend rules at any time.


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