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Masterwork Weapons

Masterwork Weapons are weapons that, while mundane, are crafted by a master smithy and so have additional abilities in battle. These weapons take care and skill to create, and so are not readily available for purchase, but can be made by PCs with proficiency in smithing tools or found in adventuring loot.

*Masterwork Weapons are based on the Advanced Weapons found in the third party Grim Hollow Campaign Guide ⓒGhostfire Gaming.

Masterwork Weapon Properties

  • Brutal: Brutal weapons are designed to subject an adversary to the most harm. When you score a critical hit against a creature with a Brutal weapon, you can add an additional weapon damage die to the damage dealt.
  • Guard: Guard weapons are made to fight defensively, often designed with a long reach or flat surface for parrying. While wielding a Guard weapon, whenever a hostile creature moves within your reach, and you did not move on your last turn, you can use a reaction to make a weapon attack with a Guard weapon against that creature. If the attack hits, then it deals no damage, the creature immediately stops and its speed becomes 0 until the end of its turn.
  • Momentum: Momentum weapons are designed to deliver devastating attacks as part of a charge. When you hit a creature with a Momentum weapon, and you have moved 20 feet or more in a straight line this turn, you can upgrade the damage dice to the weapon’s momentum dice value.
  • Repeater: Repeater weapons fire rounds in quick succession, either using multiple barrels or quick reloading mechanisms. When you take the attack action with a Repeater weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack again with the same weapon. You don’t add your ability modifier to the damage of the second shot, unless that modifier is negative. You can make this bonus action even if the weapon has the Loading property.
  • Swift: Swift weapons are renowned for their utility in recovering from missed attacks. When you miss an attack with a Swift weapon, you gain advantage on the next attack roll you make with that weapon against the same target.

Crafting Masterwork Weapons

Level 3 and higher PCs with proficiency in Smithing tools are able to craft Masterwork weapons using Downtimes and a mundane weapon that they would like to refine. While crafters must be level 3 or higher, there are no limits on player levels to wield Masterwork weapons.
Item type
Weapon, Other


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