BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Server Rules

Respect Your Fellow Voyagers

  • Play nice. We're all here to have fun, so try to keep it civil. Like, you can swear, but don't swear at somebody, ya know?
  • Malicious bigotry of any kind will absolutely not be tolerated. Racial slurs, sexual harassment, religious intolerance, etc. will, at best, earn you a harsh talking-to, and may get you banned.
  • Take a chill pill. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes, and everybody can be irritating in some way or other. So don't get your undies in a twist. Take a breath, avoid people you're not super fond of. Don't take things so seriously, and get over yourself. It's just a game.

Respect Your DMs and Admins

  • DMs have final say on all rulings in-game and in-server. Don't argue with the DMs once they've ruled.
  • We are here because we love this game and love RP. Don't be demanding or mean; we're human.
  • Rudeness or mean-spirited behavior towards or against any DM will absolutely not be tolerated.
  • If you ever have any issues, please speak with a DM. We'll do our best.

Game Session Etiquette

We want everyone, players and DMs alike, to have a good time in all of our game sessions. In order to help facilitate this, we have some expectations for gameplay in sessions we would appreciate all players adhere to. Doing so will not only make everyone feel welcome and excited to play, but also help keep the game sessions on track and on time. Although we understand that life happens, things come up, and people can have an off day, we expect everyone to be as focused on the game and their behavior in it as much as possible and to the best of their ability.
  • Be Present:
    • Pay attention to DM instructions and storytelling
    • Pay attention during combat
    • Be ready for your turn when it comes
  • Be Aware of Talking Time:
    • Be mindful of how often you verbally participate in games, both in and out of character
    • Not everyone is as confident with their voice; make space for everyone
    • Give all players equal opportunity to speak and participate
  • Avoid Interrupting Sessions:
    • Non-pertinent participation can be done in the Roll20 Chat or in the In Game Commentary channel (For example, if you need to step away or when you return to your mic, simply post it in the Roll20 chat)
    • If you have to step away for whatever reason, do not interrupt the game to ask what is happening when you return; message another player or post in chat
    • Game Chat channels are specifically used for game sessions; do not enter a Game Chat where people are mid-session and interrupt
    • If you are not playing in the session, please refrain from taking yourself off of mute unless the DM asks you a direct question

    We reserve the right to add or amend rules at any time.


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