BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Text-Based Roleplaying

RP Chat XP Rundown

• 5xp points per post (there are exceptions - see below)

• Maximum of 600xp per channel per count

• XP counts are done once to twice a week depending on DM availability

RP Post Procedure

• Narration/internal monologue should be in italics using one asterisk (*) on either side of the narration

• Spoken dialogue should be in quotation marks (" ")

• When your character is speaking in a language other than Common, it's encouraged to bookend the sentence with the following emojis to distinguish the language:

• Emphasis can be shown using bolded text by using double asterisks (**) on either side of the word/phrase you want to emphasize

• Out of character information (e.g. roll amounts, tagging DMs, etc.) should be in double parantheticals (( )) or hidden text, by using double lines on either side of your message ||

Points Allotment

• Most posts will receive 5xp points

Exceptions include:

• No points will be given for one or two word responses (e.g. yes, no, sure, nods, etc.) How do you avoid this? Easy! Narrate tone, reactions, internal thoughts, etc., even if the verbal response is one or two words. Basically, write in complete sentences. Paint me a picture, people.

• Do not use internet slang in in-character RP (e.g. "omg," "how r u," "y?," etc.) Unless your character is a 14-year-old girl on MySpace, no one talks like that. Again, complete sentences. Paint that picture!

• Longer posts (full and/or multi-paragraphs) may be awarded more points! Essentially I count every two lines in a multi-line post as 5 points. Thoughtfulness is rewarded - I want to encourage rich RP and character development!

• Please don't spam post! Multiple short responses will be treated as one post worth 5xp. I know premature enter-pressing happens, but try to watch out for that and write a complete post all at once before sending

• Remember to add your Level Bonus to your total RP count for all channels. This bonus does not go to Quest Journal entries, only RP

Happy Roleplaying!


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