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Gold and marble, canals and parks, grand gardens and high-end bistros - though much smaller than the port city of Springreach, this capital of Farryn surpasses its sister city in grandeur. There is no university here, but many of its citizens spent years in study at the University of Springreach. Mages are common in Thiramen, and the most influential and greatest among them are members of the Venerated Sage Alliance, the group of oligarchs that rule over the country. These sages live and work in the Halls of Wisdom, making the decisions for the betterment of Farryn and disseminating edicts down to the governors of the cities and villages they rule over.

The importance of the Alliance means that Thiramen is heavily guarded, high walls surrounding the city. Visitors without an official invitation are rare, and finding a way through the gates without one may prove difficult.

Discover more about Thiramen through exploration!



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