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Using and Crafting Firearms

While firearms do exist in Vianova and can be used, they are considered rarer weapons than most. The use and availability of firearms, gunpowder, and ammunition is always at DM discretion.

Using Firearms as a Weapon

Not all firearms are available for use in Vianova, but the ones that are are the Exandria-type weapons (listed below) and follow the Exandria usage rules. Any player is able to weild a firearm; however, only those with Firearm Proficiency are able to add their Proficiency Bonus to their attacks. Additionally, the Misfire rolls increase by one for those without Firearm Proficiency.

Firearms are not permitted as starting weapons except to classes/subclasses in which it would make sense to have one (for example, Fighters intending on taking the Gunslinger archetype). If you are unsure if you may choose guns as a starting weapon, speak with a DM. These players may forgo other starting weapons in exchange for two palm pistols or one pistol, as well as 20 bullets.

In the country of Farryn, home of Springreach, firearms are not readily available as they are culturally frowned upon by the high-minded academics that run the country. Elsewhere in Vianova, they may be more accessible, but still harded to locate than traditional weapons. In Rikevist, though, the warlords enjoy firearms and there are many craftsmen devoted to their creation. You may be able to purchase firearms, gunpowder, and ammunition throughout Vianova, but because their availability in most regions is scarce they must be investigated through Downtimes, during DM Office Hours, or with DM permission during a session. PCs cannot purchase firearms or firearm supplies in the Marketplace.

Availability DCs for Firearms and Supplies
Amount of gunpowder available is d10 horns and d6 kegs; Amount of bullets available is d100+10
  • Farryn: DC 15 Investigation
  • Every other country in Vianova (except for Rikevist): DC 13 Investigation
  • Rikevist: No investigation roll necessary; no amount rolls for firearm supplies necessary

While more common firearms and ammunition have a market value, because of their general rarity, many shopkeepers will try to sell them at a higher profit margin. If located, purchasing a firearm or associated supplies requires a Persuasion roll to determine the cost (one roll will cover both firearms and bullets).

NOTE: The Bad News and Bad News ammunition can only be crafted and are not available for purchase.

Crafting Firearms


While firearms, black powder, and ammunition are technically mundane weapons, their specialized designs and sensitive nature make crafting these items more difficult than the typical weapon. The more unique the design, the more difficult it is to craft. Additionally, there are a few steps to the process of crafting a firearm. Each of these steps requires (at least) one Downtime Activity to achieve.

  1. Researching: To craft a firearm or associated item you must first succeed on a Investigation check researching for a blueprint or information about how to craft said item. If one PC already has the blueprints and gives them to another, it still requires a DTA for that PC to copy the blueprint down.
  2. Crafting: Once research has been done and a draft created, you can attempt to craft the item. Crafting requirements are determined by the type of item you are attempting to create.

Crafting Requirements for Firearms

Crafting firearm weapons requires proficiency in Tinker's Tools, in addition to time and gold. While there are no level limits to using mundane firearms, the rarity of the weapon determines the player level required in order to craft it, as well as the level of difficulty involved.

The results of anything beyond a successful tool check are as follows:

Crafting Requirements for Ammunition

There are no level restrictions for players to craft ammunition, but they do have a cost and require proficiency in Tinker's Tools.

The results of anything beyond a successful tool check are as follows:

Crafting Masterwork and Magic Firearms

Crafting a Masterwork version of a firearm increases the time and cost needed to craft, not including the week required to find or copy a Masterwork blueprint.
To craft a magical version of these weapons, a PC must first either craft a mundane firearm or have one in their possession. That weapon must then be enchanted to be made magical, following the magic items crafting rules, found HERE.

Reminder that the availability of and ability to craft firearms is entirely up to DM discretion. Nothing is guaranteed.


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