Cells are collected from a specific organ or tissue of a living organism. The most popular are mice, rats, pigs, monkeys, and of course humans. Once a sample has been taken, the cells are immediately put in a culture flask with a saline buffer of the correct pH. Usually, this is 150
mM NaCl, with an addition of 50 mM
Tris to allow for a
buffering of the pH at 7.4, which is the pH of the blood.
Ideally the flask kept on ice until the lab can be reached and the culture hooked up to the equipment. If you have been a bad assistant and got all your ice to melt before that, you better know how to run fast. Once the cell are set up, you need to quickly deliver the first spark of magic to trigger their growth and to light the coal furnace linked to the equipment. If you see the cells fizzle and suddenly feel strange entities looking at you, don't worry it just mean that the magic has awakened the cells and given them sentience.
Your anger at your cells at work is really showing here... :D That said, it's a really fun article and I love all details about the cells gaining sentience for their sudden yet inevitable revenge. And the art! That cell-blending smoothie is my favorite, especially with all the fun little faces :D Great work!
Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Thanks :D "Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental" :p Those murderous little cells are cute, and they wouldn't be half as annoying if they did not kill themselves out of spite :( I'm definitely going to have fun with them in my story XD