Cellian Ethnicity in Victus | World Anvil
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Shared customary codes and values

Entry to honorable

Cellians are very protective of their homeland. Hence it is expected that all visitors wait at the border of the forests and wait for the approval of an elf to enter. The approval is given after a short evaluation of the individual and some questioning about their history. It is not uncommon for access to be denied. The exception to this rule are individuals that have proven their value to the Timocracy of Cellia.

Common Taboos

Cellians hate impurity, hence their dislike for Half-elves.


Beauty Ideals

The identity was strongly tied to the elves who's beauty was undeniable. Any other Cellians therefore went through great effort to look as elven as possible.

Gender Ideals

Cellians do not identify by gender. The physical distinction already being very small, the notion of separation by gender seems a strange ideal to them. This is one reason the Heartlander fell into good taste with the Cellians.
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