Ilithag A'Athunathai Character in Victus | World Anvil
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Ilithag A'Athunathai

Ilithag A'Athunathai (a.k.a. Kindcloud)

Ilithag "Kindcloud" A;Athunathai, once a young tenacious member of the Athunathai clan, is an outcast. Marred from an attack on his clanmates and banished for this weakness, he spent his time healing with the gnomes in the hills below his home, ever looking longingly upwards as he was cared for and defending the gnomes. Now, he seeks redemption and the strength to return and challenge the Clan Leader that deemed him too weak to benefit the others.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Toned from hours meditating and practicing a martial art that is nearly dancing.

Body Features

His left arm is heavily scarred, and just below the elbow is completely gone.

Identifying Characteristics

His body is covered in dark gray lines, crisscrossing and spreading from his head to the tips of his fingers. Their patterns are said to determine a goliath's fate.

Apparel & Accessories

Tends to wear bright green pants made for him by the gnomes, as well as a long brown robe to cover his arm.

Mental characteristics


Doesn't believe love is limited to one gender or the other, as we are all creatures of the land and equal

Morality & Philosophy

1. All Who Do No Harm Are Equals 2. Those Who Govern Others Without Reason or Without Care are Not Worthy of Respect 3. There is Always Work to Be Done on the Self, and Perfection is Non-Existent 4. The Nature Order of the World is Established for a Reason, and One Cannot Disrespect It for Any Reason


Tattooing the skin Wasting any part of an animal

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Appreciates Self-Control and Kindness   Dislikes the Uncaring/Unfeeling and Powerful People who Don't Use Power to Help

Vices & Personality flaws

Quick to interfere in business not his own if he sees himself as a benefit, regardless of the truth in that

Personality Quirks

Avoids touching his left arm as often as possible


Meticulously Cleans Himself


Contacts & Relations

Trapos- A Gnomish Councilmen and Elder Bragos- A Caravan Headsman in the Desert

Religious Views

Believes nature is a powerful spiritual force that is to be respected above all else and that all on it's surface are to be respected until they are unworthy of it.

Social Aptitude

Mildly inept at understanding foreign customs and still learning the rights and wrongs of social situations

Ilithag carries himself as any monk should, quietly, unassuming, and reserved; or perhaps as reserved as a 7'9 goliath can be. He is quick to defend those he sees as his clan, and quicker to lighten the mood.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Krach Mud
Current Residence
The Road
Bright, Glowing Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Gray

My Journey

It has taken quite a while, but I have finally made the long journey across the desert. I had searched for peace and strength, and despite learning never to mess with what they called a "snake", I haven't found much of either, except in those early morning hours, watching the sun begin to rise as I meditated, contemplating the purpose of the writhing air and heat visible on the horizon. I find it as a warning and also a reminder, that although the night passes, with each sunrise comes new dangers.   I consider my journey thus far. From the mountain tops to the edge of a desert all these miles away. The monster that has left me wanting. My clan having abandoned me to die on that ridge and the home I found amongst the gnomes. I almost miss that silly old Trapos, that caring gentleman that took me in and offered me a chance at redemption. The healing of my arm took months, but that of my mind... I am unsure I will ever escape that labyrinth of pain. Especially not with the ice still flowing through my veins, given by whatever spirit took pity on me and gave me these abilities to survive.   The desert was harsh, yes. The caravan and it's leader Bragen coarse, yes. But I almost enjoyed the work with my hands and the freedom to go where I please. The gnomes had been lovely, even building me a hovel my size, but goliath are not meant to stay in place for longer than the harshest winters, and I found that freedom once more in the polar opposite of my old home.   And here I am, in Korbund, kept in place by my desire to help these people, different as I may be, so that I may find the peace I yearn for. I manifest it daily, and long for the answers to my questions to one day trudge into town, that I may one day return to those peaks and have a home.


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