Senatorial guard Military Formation in Victus | World Anvil
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Senatorial guard

The senatorial guards, also known as the "sententiam militum" to the old fashioned, were the official guards of the senate. In times of crisis they often served as special forces for the military. Carrying out dangerous missions either on the front lines or deep in enemy territory.



The senatorial guards limited themselves artificially to a force of 600 troops with a reserve of another 500 guards



In official ceremonies within the senate, the senate guards were often equipped with long spears, a short sword and round shields.  

in the field

In the field, senatorial guards often could pick their own gear. Most did opt for melee weapons and good armor but often hidden underneath cloaks or other disguises.



There are two ways of being recruited into the senatorial guards. Officers in the imperial army were told to keep an eye out for promising soldiers and notify the captain of the guard of individuals with strong potential. The other way was to be handpicked by a senator in the latter case the individual's assignment to this senator could not be prevented.


Historical loyalties

Throughout history, plenty of tales can be found of different regiments and armies turning on their leaders. The senatorial guards are an exception to this trend. The guards have always remained loyal to the elected senate leader and have watched over the democratic process of this election.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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