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Affirhet (pronounced: af-har-ET) was the Proto-Elemental god of fire, and a patron of pacts and wishes. He is said to command the armies of fiends within the Inferno.  
Table of Contents Description
  • Personality
  • Powers
  • Aspects
  • Realm
  • Activities
  • Relationships
  • Clergy
  • Orders
  • Temples
  • Rites
  • Scripture
  • Holy Days
  • Relics
  • Myths and Legends


In his natural form, Affirhet appears as a staunch, mature red Tiefling with cloven feet and large horns protruding from his bald head. He either presents himself in black robes or shirtless in a loincloth.   In art, he is sometimes depicted as a flame, with or without eyes, even when represented among other more humanoid figures.   During Starfall, Affirhet fell to a mortal form yet to be recorded.  












Affirhet is abhorred by followers of the other Proto-Elementals, especially those of Pyryrakas Affirhet is the creator of the Proto-Seasonals Donaru and Dregnu and finds shared values with both in a contentious relationship.   Among the other gods, Affirhet is closest to Agere, serving as a medium through which deals can be made. It is believed that Affirhet created the contract signed between Agere and Death that led to Agere’s divine ascendance.  


The majority of Affirhet’s worshipers, prior to Starfall, came from Orc communities, where he was known as "The Purifier." His influence extended to cultures within Vielamor’s deserts: the Riddilsphere, Handelret, and The Desert of Black Sands, where he was known as "The Flame Prince." He was recognized in both the Elven and Dwarven pantheons, but as a malign figure that, at best, was merely respected as an adversary.   Affirhet’s worship has been linked repeatedly to those who call upon "The Wishmaster" for arcane knowledge and the crafting of pacts with powerful beings such as djinn, demons, and devils, with such groups often developing into cults and sub-sects.   Outside of formal worship, Affirhet was known as Afret and was given passive reverence from merchants, deal brokers, and lawyers, even if they were not Flamebrands.  


Affirhet’s clergy are referred to as Flamebrands and are often recognized by their scarlet and/or gray vestments. With temples in most large towns and cities, they serve their communities as deal brokers and public defenders as well as providing guidance and preparation to those who wish to travel through the desert, all for “nominal” fees.   The highest ranking priests are known as “The Seared Pack/Pact” serving as leaders of their orders. These individuals often hold positions with political influence across nations, keeping touch with each other both directly and indirectly.  




Most large towns and cities have a temple to Affirhet that doubles as a law firm and notary to the public. Temples built in reverence to Affirhet, especially those in desert communities, are built from limestone and sandstone with blockoid structures. These buildings feature scarlet and gray trappings and reliefs carved into the stone walls of main and meeting chambers, adorned with gilding, inlay, or paint. The temple complex is built around an enclosed courtyard allowing for the building and maintenance of bonfires which burn throughout the day and night.  


Affirhet serves as both the Proto-Elemental god of fire and as the patron deity of pacts and deals. As such, his dogma, though touching on the domain of fire, focuses more on intrigue. While those that worship him as a being of fire are taught: “Fire can cleanse impurity,” those of his faith are most known for Afret’s Clause:
  • Deals and pacts should be followed to the letter.
  • Secrets are currency to be guarded, bartered, and traded.
  • The most clever gets the best deal.
Some believe that because of Afret’s Clause, Affirhet finds strength in those that demonstrate wit in understanding and interpreting reality and abhors an even trade.  


Flamebrands encourage daily worship, with mass held at mid-day on Sundays. During mass, members hold candles and chant, “I am the spark of life in the world,” until joined by a member of The Seared Pack who leads them in the chant, “We are the flame of life,” symbolizing sparks and embers growing into a larger flame.   Personal worship can take the form of:
  • Whispering secrets to a lit candle
  • Maintaining an ongoing flame at home or at the temple
  • A sacrifice of food, materials, or goods into a fire.
  • Reviewing or re-negotiating a written contract.
The most devout clergy may take part in a ritual known as The Seared Pact, to gain more influence and authority within the sect and ascend to the rank of The Seared Pack. Details of this ritual are not made public and are held in secret.  


The Firebrand Testament is the most common text within Affirhet’s worship. There are several versions of the text as it bears both scripture as well as local laws. Flamebrands often study the text to better serve their deity and their community. Higher quality versions of the text also feature guidelines on risk and deal brokering. Notably, the text features the story of Affirhet’s spurned advances on the goddess Pyryrakas and details her revoked seduction that led to Affirhet’s exile.   The Book of Cinders is a more archaic holy text focused on Affirhet’s early days as a crafter of fire and one who maintained life in harsh environments during the Dawn of Life. Critically, it also focused on rites of purification and burning sacrifices. The book’s pages are dyed black and often curl and crinkle as if burned from a flame. It is exceptionally hard to find a complete copy of the text as in early use pages were torn out and burned as part of worship.

Holy Days

The Night of Dying Light - (23rd of Affrijore) Set during the autumnal equinox, communities light a bonfire that they keep lit throughout the day. People are encouraged to cast symbols of their difficulties and obstacles into the bonfire to be destroyed. At sunset, the flame of the bonfire is brought via torch to a large wooden effigy to see a new light roar to life from the flames of the community's problems. New officials, especially those joining the Seared Pack, are honored during the festivities.  


  • Rings of Wishing are said to be infused with The Wishmaster’s divinity and thus may have near limitless power. The true number of rings in the world is unknown as, after three wishes, the ring vanishes. While dangerous to the hapless adventurer, worshipers of The Wishmaster evoke grand and vague wishes so that they may be interpreted however He wills.
  • The Hands That Cradle Fire are leather-like gloves said to be made of demon skin that grant access to the plane of fire and control over its element.



Myths and Legends

The Fire Within: This myth details Affirhet gifting early life with internal fire, to warm them when the world is cold, to be the light to one another, and to consume and desire as is needed to keep your fire stoked.   The Assault of Pyryrakas: This myth details how the Elementals, Affirhet, Arun, and Erdah, fell for Pyryrakas, Elemental of water, and competed for her affections. Affirhet, seeing a match in his opponents, attempted the most direct route and forced himself upon Pyryrakas. She, with the help of Arun and Erdah, fought him off. The conflict decimated the landscape, creating the ring of deserts. From then on, Water has sworn off any coexistence with Fire and the two have been separate ever since.   The Actor’s Gambit or The Two Faces of Death: A common myth of Agere, it is said that he, a human man at the time, challenged Death to a popular game that utilized years of life as betting chips. The exact game changes depending on the culture of the individual but usually either cards or dice are involved. Agere, using his skill in acting and zeal, nearly beat The Shrouded One. Instead of besting the god, Agere offered a trade through a contract crafted and notarized by Affirhet: Agere would, through Death’s power, ascend to godhood. In exchange, Agere would provide Death with two guises to approach people in depending on how they lived their life.
Red Flame on a Black Field
Aliases: Bálrigg, The Flame Beneath (Dwarven); Summer’s Flame (Elven); Flame Prince, Wishmaster, Afret of Discord (Human); The Purifier or Pure Fire (Orcish)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Divine Rank
: Elemental
: Arcane Knowledge, Chaos, Deceit, Discord, Fire, Gambling, Intrigue, Pact, Purification, Secrets, Strength, Trickery, Wit
: Flamebrands (Barbarians; Desert Cultures; Lawyers; Sorcerers; Warlocks; Wizards)
Favored Weapon
: Flamberge (Longsword)
Alternative Symbol

Character Portrait image: Ifrit by GENZOMAN


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Aug 30, 2024 14:22 by Harrison

I thought that the alternate symbol was a genius design and absolutely perfect for Affirhet.