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Shadows of Barsod

The Shadows of Barsod is an ancient thieves’ guild that began in one town and has since stretched across the globe. It’s likely that, if you find a fence or seek out to buy contraband, you have found a member. While all rogues are welcome to join, the guild itself is hidden and members don’t mention the guild in mixed company. It takes someone truly crafty to discover the guild and be able to join.  

Organization Structure

Affiliation within the guild is denoted by a tattoo that denotes rank. Upon acceptance within the guild, one is awarded the title of Pickpocket and is tattooed with the outline of an outstretched hand. They are provided with resources to safely move up to fifty platinum of stolen goods. Proving themselves overtime, a pickpocket can achieve the rank of Cloak wherein their hand tattoo is shaded to black. At this rank, they are seen to be responsible to move stolen goods up to one hundred and fifty platinum pieces. Upon reaching the rank of Shadow, a member is tattooed with half a gem floating above the hand and may fashion an open stall in any of the black markets and move up to three hundred platinum of goods. Members receive a full gem upon reaching the rank of Unseen and are given the benefits of a blanket stall in a reserved section of black markets and the means to move five hundred platinum’s worth of stolen goods. A Concealed can move up to one thousand platinum pieces and will have a permanent constructed wood stall for use within black markets. This position is identified by a second gem tattooed on the Concealed. A Ghost receives a third gem and can move up to ten thousand platinum pieces in stolen gems. A Ghost will often oversee the site of a black market and arrange its safety and protection. Finally, the highest rank below governing is the Nothing. A Nothing can be recognized by their tattoo of a black hand holding three gems that are magically enchanted to shimmer like real gems. Nothing have access to move at least one hundred thousand platinum in stolen materials. The highest rank belongs to the Abyss: three women chosen from the ranks of Nothings to reflect the three women who originated the organization. A crown is tattooed above the three gems to denote this position. These three are responsible for overseeing the organization as a whole.     Any member may promote another member to a higher position within the guild as long as it is not equal to the position they currently hold. Cloaks can indoctrinate Pickpockets, but may not make them Cloaks. A Concealed may promote a Cloak to Shadow or even to Unseen, but may not make them a Concealed as well. The only position that allows for equal advancement is that of the Abyss which promotes a member among the Nothing to fill an open position agreed upon by vote. In the event of two of the Abyss dying before this decision can be reached, the final Abyss elects two members simultaneously who will then vote on a third, retiring the original Abyss.  


Members of the Shadows of Barsod see the world as obstacles in the way of wealth. However, this wealth should not be hoarded but utilized and redistributed. While members may have specific trinkets or trophies from past jobs or friends, the majority of what is stolen is to be put back into the world, be it through buying food and entertainment or goods and services to prepare for the next job. This is why, within the guild, there is a precedent for the establishments of black markets where stolen goods may be freely traded and redistributed to interested parties.     Most lower members within the guild focus on the acquisition and distribution of physical wealth, but higher members of the organization also trade in the non-material, such as secrets and favors. Membership comes with the comfort of knowing that there is honor among thieves, especially fellow members of the guild. However, this comes with recognizing that one may have to serve as a scapegoat for a higher ranking member of the guild. This need not be a great cost as the guild takes care of its own. This civility is maintained as long as the guild remains secret. Anyone found sharing the details of the guild to outsiders or authorities is at risk of great punishment.     Finally, the guild formally holds the concept of “honor among thieves” as its highest tenet. Those caught knowingly stealing from fellow members or attacking them, or hiding information relating to these acts, will be severely punished.  

Public Agenda

Publicly, the Shadows of Barsod does not exist. Evidence to the contrary has been whittled down throughout history to rumors and hearsay.  


The Shadows of Barsod is far reaching and has massive numbers and wealth. It is also the largest facilitator of black market dealings across the globe. Individual members may have access to a variety of specialty goods such as livestock, weapons, vehicles, or numbers. Silver and gold, buildings, troops, equipment, weapons, ships and horses, castles and other fortifications are the amasses or available wealth of an organization.  



Barsod was once a sprawling city with one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Indirectly ruled and overseen by three women, the city was home to vast markets and trade that spanned Calenvaldra and sparked interest to those beyond. Here the Shadows began and thrived spreading itself across the land to accumulate wealth for the city. Over centuries the city fell on hard times and collapsed, no more than a ruin now. The Shadows Barsod cast were far reaching and still darken the lands today.  

Important Figures

Pickpocket   Cloak   Shadow   Unseen   Concealed   Ghost   Nothing
Shadows of Barsod

Unseen Tattoo
Alternative Names:   Demonym:   Founding Date: -30 ER   Leader:   Leader Title: The Abyss   Geographic Location: Global


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