Blood Hunter

Blood hunters are clever warriors driven by an unending determination to destroy evils old and new. Armed with rites of secretive blood magic and a willingness to sacrifice their own vitality and humanity for their cause, they protect the realms from the shadows—even as they remain ever vigilant against being drawn to the darkness that consumes the monsters they hunt.  

Sacrifice to Preserve Life

Far from the judging eyes of society, blood hunters have mastered the secretive techniques of hemocraft, finding blood magic’s esoteric nature effective against evils that resist divine rebuke or arcane bindings. Through careful study and practice, blood hunters hone the rites of hemocraft into unique combat techniques, forfeiting a portion of their own health to call blood curses down upon their enemies or summon the elements to aid their strikes. Willing to suffer whatever it takes to achieve victory, these adept warriors have forged themselves into a potent force dedicated to protecting the innocent.  

A Monster to Fight Monsters

Whether driven by the wish to make a difference, the need to take vengeance, or the hope of finding a place to belong in an uncaring world, every blood hunter has their own reasons for undertaking the ritual of the Hunter’s Bane that starts them on this path. In joining an order of blood hunters, one also joins a family bound by service to each other and a common cause. For many, this might be the only family they have left—or have ever known—making the kinship felt between blood hunters an all-but-unbreakable bond.   Outside the camaraderie of their orders, however, the life of a blood hunter is not an easy one. The ritual of the Hunter’s Bane can leave a character visibly changed, and prone to unsettling the people around them. Likewise, witnessing hemocraft can invoke superstitious fears from even the most learned scholars. While some cultures have come to accept the good deeds of many blood hunter orders, many blood hunters hide their calling unless absolutely necessary. They feel more comfortable in the wilds and wastes of the world, or drift through the outskirts of society, protecting the poor and defenseless from dark intention and the corrupting touch of fiends.   In choosing this path, every blood hunter irrevocably gives a part of themself to their cause—physically, emotionally, and sometimes morally. Each order of blood hunters practices its own ideals and methods, often employing techniques with dark origins that test the strength and will of those who employ them. Many wrestle with the fear of losing this struggle. And so a life of discipline and vigilance drives a blood hunter’s travels as they wander the countryside, in search of like-minded adventurers and whispers of dark deeds afoot.

Creating a Blood Hunter

As you create your blood hunter character, think about why you were driven to this lifestyle—and why you strive to give up everything to dwell in the darkness with the evils you hunt. Do you seek a sense of purpose and security, which you found among the order that has taken you in? Have you always carried a seed of darkness within you, so that you look for compatriots who can watch over and prevent you from succumbing to it? Were you once a holy warrior who strayed from your faith and was cast out, even as you yearn to give yourself over to the cause of protecting the innocent?   What is your relationship with the powers of hemocraft and the abilities it promises? Do you respect and fear the ancient power that surges through your veins, embracing your gifts and using them freely? Are you worried that this power will eventually turn you into one of the monsters you hunt? Or has your study instilled you with the confident clarity that makes you certain you can control these gifts for the greater good?   As well, what made you leave the comfort of your order to strike out on your own? Do you intend to return, or have you decided you have more to learn in the world? What strengths or assets do you seek in other adventurers that can help you meet your goals?   Though most blood hunters follow a path of good or neutrality in their pursuits, some have fallen to the dark, seductive side of hemocraft. These blood hunters use their abilities for selfish and evil purposes, often leading to their expulsion from the orders that trained them.
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