Notes on Visil Deeplake

Born Filistill Visil Cast'oras in 199, Visil was recruited to teach in Aspengarde's Lunelle Academy shortly after its creation in 257. Filistill had been a practicing mage since his youth. He had primarily used his skills as a hired hand, occasionally escorting caravans as a guard. His aptitude for magic had made him something of a local folk legend by the time he was 50. Headmistress Ansell asked Filistill Cast'oras to teach abjuration magic at the academy and he obliged. He served as a professor from 257 - 350, when he retired from teaching to take a role with the Hall of {REDACTED}. His work was applauded by his colleagues.   Tensions began to rise between the Lunelle and the Order of the Obsidian Gate in the late 3rd century. Filistill changed his name to Visil Deeplake, performing more delicate operations in Aspengarde as time went on. In 402, he was asked to step down from his position with the Lunelle. He was required to turn in his official spellbook and any research he performed while with the academy.   {REDACTED}   It is believed that he left Aspengarde and headed north to pursue his own research in the years that followed. He is currently though to be dead, likely killed after the Order began their witch hunt for prominent Visitors.
Found in the Ansell Library in Atlas by Re'lar Deeplake. Several sections are blacked out or redacted.