The Gods of the Kjellfrid

The Kjellfrid people dwell in Fjoran, to the north of the mainland in Brymstone. The cities of Adelskold and Mjorngren are their primary settlements, and they are one of the few remaining civilizations who believe in the gods that placed them in Veisora. They began as a separatist group from the humans, elves, and dwarves of the Venzik Archipelago because of their faith. Most had lost it long ago, and those with any belief in the gods primarily feared them. The Kjellfrid still had hope, and split from the main group to live the way they wanted to. The Kjellfrid are a mixed group. They accept any and all willing to dedicate their lives to the pantheon of the Kjellfrid, so their ranks are made up of a diverse group of races.   The pantheon of the Kjellfrid is malleable, and those who can prove the miracles of the gods they worship can have their deity added to their temples. Primarily, the Kjellfrid believe in 3 gods: Øystein, Mörk, and Hrefna.    


  The god of life, healing, and creation. It is said that his followers were crafted by his hand, carved from clay and polished with care.  


  The god of the elements, the weather, and luck. They are depicted as a large, genderless oaf, sometimes as a pig.  


  The god of death, endings, roads, and travel. Often seen as a very tall, slender woman.