Fey Corgi


Fey Corgi are usually very extreme in their personalities. The typical fey corgi is incredibly friendly, curious and adventurous. They are known to love being around humanoid races.   They often opt out of wearing shoes or rings, disliking how they feel on their feet. Gear must be specially fitted to them.  


At some point in history, a fey exploring a human village encountered a corgi. Enamored with the adorable creature, and impressed with its ability to "charm" others, the fey adopted him. The entire Seelie Court became completely entranced by the dog, and at the bidding of the Fey King, the fey went on to adopt many other corgis in order to keep the first one company.   The chaotic energies of the Otherworld began to seep into the creatures, slowly shifting them and increasing their intelligence, until the modern form of the fey corgi emerged.  

Physical Description

Stubby and fluffy, this tiny race have learned to walk on their hindlegs and wield weapons in their front paws. However, most prefer to walk on all fours.  


Surprisingly rare within the mortal planes, fey corgis tend to integrate themselves into other societies rather than form their own. They like to live close to families with children, due to the combination of their fey and corgi instincts. A village that attracts a fey corgi considers them to be very good omens, as they are prone to developing protective instincts towards the residents.   On the rare occasion they build their own settlements, they tend to be clumsily built, sprawling and chaotic.  


The other races vary somewhat in how to respond to these friendly creatures. Most races get along with them. Races like dwarves and orcs merely tolerate them. Gnomes and halflings adore them.  

Alignment & Religion

As varied as humans, fey corgis can be of any alignment, though they tend to lean toward the good alignment. Most don't practice religion, but like many other fey, offer up respect to the rulers of the Fey Courts.  


Due to their reputation as good omens, fey corgi adventurers are often sought after.  



Racial Qualities

Base Speed
Ability Score
Standard: +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Str
Standard: Common, Sylvan

Racial Traits

Bite Fey Corgi possess a natural bite attack which deals 1d2 damage. This bite is a primary attack, or secondary if the fey corgi is wielding a manufactured weapon  
Fey Damage Resistance Fey Corgis gain DR 2/Cold Iron  
Feats & Skills
Curiosity Fey Corgi are naturally inquisitive about the world around them. They gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information, and Knowledge: History and Knowledge: Local become class skills for them. If they choose a class that has either of this Knowledge skills as a class skill, they gain a +2 racial bonus on that skill instead.   Skill Bonus - Perception Fey Corgi gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.  
Low Light Vision Fey Corgi can see twice as far as normal in conditions of dim light.   Scent Fey Corgi possess the Scent ability.  
Sprinter Members of this race gain a +10ft racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run or withdraw actions.   Fast Fey Corgi gain a +10ft bonus to their base speed.  
Tiny Paws Fey Corgi cannot wear rings as they lack fingers. However, they may wear rings as earrings. Though they possess shoe and gauntlet slows, they are extremely uncomfortable and anything that is to be equipped to these slots must be modified.   Unusual Shape Fey Corgi must have their gear especially fitted for their unusual shape. This includes weapons, footwear, gauntlets and armour. This mechanically prevents fey corgi from equipping most looted equipment without having it modified first.   Adjustable Posture Fey Corgi can alternate between being bipedal or quadpedal with the usual benefits and penalties this imparts.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Fey Corgi names are kept very simple and often rather cute.
Fey Corgi have the option of the racial feat Oddball Thief
12-14 years
Average Height
Between 10 inches to 1 foot from foot to shoulder, unless standing on hindlegs.
Average Weight
22lbs - 30lbs


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