
Warning: Untested


Papilio are human-esque creatures that have been twisted and infused by magic. The original Papilio resided in the domain of Abrus, but emerged into the material plane just five years ago.  

Physical Description

For the most part, Papilio closely resemble humans. However, every one of them possess mirrored marks on their cheeks. The mark shape and colour indicate heritage.  


The Papilio is a matriarchal society, ruled by the first-born female of the current Queen. The royal family is denoted by a crescent moon mark on their cheeks.  


There have been some efforts to integrate with other races. As only a few have made their way into the material plane, most people still do not know how to consider them. Elves and gnomes feel a slight sense of kinship to them due to their inherent magic.  



Racial Qualities

Base Speed
Ability Score
Standard: +2 Wis, +2 Dex, -2 Con
Linguist: Common

Racial Traits

Spell Resistance, Lesser Papilio gain spell resistance equal to 6 + their character level  
Feats & Skills
Curiosity Papilio are naturally inquisitive about the world around them. They gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information and Knowledge: History and Knowledge: Local become class skills for them. If they choose a class that has either of these Knpowledge skills as class skills, they gain a +2 racial bonus on those skills instead.   Skilled Papilio gain an additional skill rank at 1st level and one additional skill rank whenever they gain a level.  
Cheek-Marked Papilio have marks on their cheeks that can be used as a focus for their magic.   Dip-Down Papilio can push themselves to access greater magic abilities. When doing so, they can access any one magical talent that they qualify for but do no possess. They may do this once per day, but only after going through Maturity.   Vestigial Wings Papilio possess vestigial wings. These wings are not strong enough to allow for flight, but do grant a +4 bonus to Fly checks. These do not develop until after Maturity.  

Alternate Racial Traits

Flexibility - You're not as talented with magic as your kin, but by no means are you helpless. You gain a +2 to an attribute of your choice, but does not stack with an existing bonus. This replaces Dip-Down.   Inherited Weapon - You've inherited a weapon from your family. You begin play with any non-magical, masterwork weapon of your choice and gain proficiency with it. This replaces Cheek-Marked.

Basic Information


For the most part, Papilio appear to be normal humans.

Growth Rate & Stages

Shortly after their 16th birthday, a Papilio goes through a bizarre form of puberty. They temporarily lose their ability to think rationally and take on a butterfly-esque form. This stage typically lasts somewhere between one and seven days.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivorous, but practically addicted to corn-based meals.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The members of the royal family tend to be named after various celestial bodies such as Moon or Star. The commonfolk are named after more mundane things like River or Heather.
Average Physique
Lithe and slim.


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