
Physical Description

Rabbitfolk resemble anthropomorphic rabbits. Some are more rabbit-like, completely covered in fur, while others may only have rabbit ears and tails. They are very small.  


Rabbitfolk frequently live in overcrowded houses and neighbourhoods that are the definition of "organised chaos". They tend to have strong familial bonds. One family will often buy up an entire neighbourhood of housing and build connecting tunnels between them to make them into a single sprawling household.  


The other smaller races tend to enjoy the company of rabbitfolk - even dwarves have an oddly positive view of rabbitfolk due to their abilities to create small but useful tunnels. Some rabbitfolk will act as "scouts" for dwarven miners - the dwarves will find a spot likely to have a rich vein, and the rabbitfolk will dig around until they find it, saving precious time. The more monstrous races merely see them as particularly intelligent prey, and some evil individuals will hunt them as there is a myth that their feet bring good fortune to the bearer.  

Alignment & Religion

Many rabbitfolk are lawful, but have no particular leanings towards good or evil.  


Due to their smaller size and higher speeds, rabbitfolk make prized rangers and scouts.  



Racial Qualities

Humanoid (rabbitfolk)
Base Speed
Ability Score
Standard: +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Str
Standard: Common, Rabbitfolk
Feats & Skills
Stealthy Rabbitfolk receive a +2 racial bonus on stealth checks.   Agile Rabbitfolk receive a +2 racial bonus on acrobatics checks.   Keen Sense Rabbitfolk receive a +2 racial bonus on perception checks.  
Fast Speed Rabbitfolk are incredibly fast, with a base speed of 40 feet.   Burrow Rabbitfolk have a burrow speed of 20 feet.  
Hare's Luck Once per day when a rabbitfolk makes a Reflex saving throw, they can roll the saving throw twice and take the better result. They must decide to use this ability before the saving throw is attempted.   Quick Reactions Rabbitfolk gain a +2 racial bonus to Initiative checks.

Basic Information


All rabbitfolk have long ears and short fluffy tails. Some have fur, and most have strong legs (though they might not necessarily look very muscular).

Biological Traits

Males are referred to as 'bucks'. Females are referred to as 'does'. Babies are referred to as 'kits'. Rabbitfolk are referred to slightly differently based on how many rabbit-like traits they display, the most blatant being the furred and furless.

Genetics and Reproduction

Rabbitfolk gestation is terrifyingly quick, a mere 4 months. Rabbitfolk are very commonly born in litters - a solo "kit" is exceedingly rare, with most "litters" being around four.

Growth Rate & Stages

Rabbitfolk are born blind and furless. Not all of them grow fur, but if they are going to, they will typically do so after a month. They drink milk from their mother until they can handle solid food, typically at around three months.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Rabbitfolk are almost universally vegan. There are a few exceptions who are vegetarian and even fewer who can handle meat. Like mundane rabbits, rabbitfolk can survive hay and grass, though most prefer more flavourful meals.

Biological Cycle

Furred rabbitfolk will go through a cycle in winter where their fur becomes much thicker and fluffier. This winter coat is shed during early to mid spring. The fur is usually kept and used to line nests for their furless relatives.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Similar to their mundane counterparts, rabbitfolk have very keen senses, especially hearing. They can twist their ears around like a radar, and are likely to hear something approach before they see it.
35-40 years, reaching maturity at 10


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