Dancing Royals Species in Vilhelm (Old) | World Anvil
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Dancing Royals

Chorus Regius, also known as Dancing Royals are a flora-based fern located in the harsh deserts of the Sea of Sands. During the days, this plant resembles a crowned crimson-tipped fern. When touched is fairly rubbery and flimsy, contrasting other flora which is extremely brittle and fragile.   At night, the fern rises from a stalk that emerges out of the ground, revealing a healthy trunk that reaches heights up to 9' tall. This beautiful stalk sways with the cold breezes of the night, hence its name 'Dancing Royals'. The head of the plant still remains but has a bioluminescent effect to it, showing a majestic glowing sight that can be seen miles away in the isolated desert. Dancing royals live in clusters, usually between 10 to 80 in a grouping. This beautiful array of glowing flora allows inhabitants and explorers to help navigate themselves in the region; though rare, these clusters of Dancing Royals are labeled based upon the sizing of their grouping (a garden, a park, a forest, etc.)   The reasoning for the Dancing Royal's vibrant red-colored head and healthy green stalks is its ability to absorb moisture from the air, which travels from the oceans in the west. The absorbed water particles are stored in its pod located below the soft sand and into hard earth, this allows the plant to stay grounded during harsh sand storms and makes it difficult to uproot.   The salt in the water mixed with the plant's chemical compounds brews the water into an alkaloid that nourishes the plant for extended periods of time, allowing it to survive three seasons without any moisture. The alkaloid is drinkable, usually accessed when cutting the stalk of the plant and sucking the mixture through its stem. It is used however as a last resort for natives due to its side effects which involve increased rates of dehydration and standard to high levels of halluciantions, which can lead a novice explorer of the region to certain death when not careful or assisted.   It is an extremely rare specimen to harvest and transport out of the desert for botanic collectors; as the rooted pod is necessary to the Dancing Royals survival else it will quickly decompose within a few hours. Botanists who own a Dancing Royal are seen as artisans in their own field and are usually commended for it. It is a high honor and gratification to possess a healthy specimen outside of its native habitat.
"It feels like seeing the ocean floor, drifting with the current of the wind."
Professor Walter Vusbridge, Sea of Sands: The Oddyssey (155HE)
Type: Flora
Family: Plantae
Height: 9" daylight to 9' moonlight
Weight: 55lbs
Origin: Sea of Sands
Life Expectancy: Indefinetly


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