Human Species in Vinaia | World Anvil
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Humans are the most common race found in Courceia. They are diverse and adaptable. They are known among other races for their short lives, ingenuity, and perseverance. They are also widely considered the most ambitious people in Courceia.

Physical Traits

Humans are a diverse and Humans are born with skin tones that range from nearly black to extremely pale. Their hair colors range from black to blond and white in old age. Humans can successfully reproduce with a number of other species. The average height of a human is between 5 and 6 feet tall, but there are numerous outliers on either side of the spectrum.

Mixed Heritages

It is not uncommon to see mixed heritages in humans. Half-orcs and half-elves are frequently found in human settlements. They are often well integrated into human society.   Rarely humans are born displaying characteristics consistent with a celestial or infernal ancestry. These people are known as aasimar and tieflings, respectively. These men and women sometimes struggle with acceptance among other humans. Their level of acceptance varies widely with different communities. In some settlements, they are accepted for who they are. In others, they are viewed with suspicion and fear. Some human settlements will even go so far as to exile or outcast them. Aasimar and tieflings will frequently hide their otherworldly features to avoid detection.
70 years
Average Height
5 to 6 feet

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