Kingdom of Az Geographic Location in Vinaia | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Az

The Kingdom of Az is a feudal kingdom located in Azilian Peninsula in southwestern Courceia. The country is currently ruled by King Carrock of Evermore.


The First Peoples of Az

The native people of the Azilian Peninsula were a gold-skinned, spirit worshipping people. Their culture was mostly isolationist and had limited interactions with neighboring nations. They were historically a nomadic people, but had been transitioning to an agrarian society before their extinction. Ruins of their society still dot the land in the Azilian Peninsula, particularly old temples, graveyards, and crypts. Literacy was rare amongst their people, leaving little of the culture well understood today.

Bydosian Exodus

in 6115 AD, Prince Cyril II of Bydosia fled his homeland when his father was deposed. He established a new fiefdom in northeastern Az, south of the Larian sea. He and his followers initially worked with the the natives of the land and developed a strong relationship with them. Over the next decade, more and more nobles fled Bydosia and established fiefdoms in Az. This led to strife and at times outright war with the natives of the Azilian Peninsula. Over the course of the next century, the whole of Az would be claimed by Bydosian exiles and their decedents.

The Age of Swords

The years between 6180s and 6370s are known as The Age of Swords. Azilian lords warred openly, frequently, and with bitter results. Generational feuds were birthed, lords scrambled for power, and mercenary armies were bought and sold on the eve of battle. This era gave a rise to a warrior tradition of knighthood and personal loyalty to individual lords.

The Age of Ink

The Age of Swords gave way to the Age of Ink as diplomacy, negotiation, and contracts took center stage in Azilian politics. These agreements were still enforceable by the might of a lord's military, but it became common for treaties to be exercised without the need for battle. This newfound peace led to influx of immigrants from across Courceia.


The Kingdom of Az is a feudal state, ruled by a king who exercises absolute authority. The title of king or queen is bestowed to whomever builds the largest coalition of lords and armies willing to support his or her claim. While this claim is contestable on the battlefield, the Age of Ink has preferred the more peaceful method of holding a moot in which the coalitions, loyalties, and armies are confirmed. Beyond the honorifics of King or Queen, titles in Az have little meaning or hierarchy to them. Anyone can call themselves a lord, baron, or duke if they have the might to back up the claim. However, there remains only one king or queen.
King Carrock
Mostly Human; various others
Alternative Name(s)
Azilian Peninsula

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