Abazel Species in Violem | World Anvil
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There are dangerous things lurking in the shadows of dungeons and the Abazel is no exception. This evolved slime beast is something I do not wish to meet in a tight corridor, the aftermath could be fatal.
— Brevah Mador, Founder of Ivory Champions
  The Abazel is a slime hybrid sprouting arms, claws and a goo sack that roam around the dark tunnels of dungeons in the hopes of absorbing its prey. An uncommon sight above the surface, instead being an un-welcomed friend in many underground areas across the lands of Violem.  


The first thing you'll hear is the dripping goo that flows down its rounded body. With colours of putrid greens and sickly yellow its ooze is thick with the same consistency of hot tar. Sunk into its head is two mis shaped eye holes with dark eyes staring out in search of its next victim. The creature has no other facial features, no nose, no ears or mouth making many adventurer wonder how it consumes its meal.   Two noodly limbs extend from the body of this 4ft tall monster and clatter on the floor with its 3 talons on each hand. Talons made from the ivory bones of skeletons lying around in the dungeons. With only its talons to walk on, they could be easily tripped. The base of the body has an ooze sack made from a spongy material and full of goo ready to pop like a puss filled spot.  


This relative of the slime is more intelligent and deadly with the ability to claw at a target with its long arms and sharp talons. Having a further than average reach.   Its other method of attack comes from the goo sack under its body. Able to aim and spit ooze at a given target with a high chance of hitting. If the Abazel is patient then it can produce a toxin turning the sticky ooze into a substance able to paralyse even the strongest of enemies.  
Potential Plot Hook: A farm on the outskirts of a swamp has been infested with slimes, abandoned for weeks at this point. The situation has gotten so bad that now Abazel and other larger slime monsters have made the farm a home. The farmer says, there is a vase hidden in the basement containing all their gold and precious stones. How is he going to retrieve it now?
TG20 Statblock:
HP - 11
DS - 12
Claw - Melee 1d6
Ooze - Ranged 1d4 (Sticky, Paralyse)


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