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Loose Fume

Better be careful with them bottles. Break them and you might let out a loose fume or two, then where would we be, hmm? Probably in a whole cloud of trouble I would imagine...
— Balianda, Alchemist
  Loose fumes are the living manifestation of potions. They are the creation of Necromancers tampering with alchemy to produce a hostile life form inside a potion bottle.  


The way a loose fume is created is by simply adding saliva and hair of a living being to a pre-existing potion. Once shaken and mixed well the Loose Fume is ready to be released. Simply breaking its containers releases a cloud of coloured vapour that stays lingering for about 5 minutes. After that, the fumes completely evaporate and the Loose Fume ceases to exist. There has been cases of these creatures being present for longer periods of time in colder conditions. Many find it difficult to spot one of these smoke spitters making them easy to sneak upon beings in dark rooms and corridors. If one is nearby, then expect to get a sudden aroma of burning oil and hearing faint whispers like wind blowing on a glass bottle.   Its only form of attack comes in the form of spitting globules of potions towards the nearest threat. The most common Loose Fumes are: Poison, Acid and Blindness.  


The only recordings of Loose Fumes being out of control is the incident at the village of Eradykll. Located on the Western edge of the Craters of Crellan. This town suffered an unnatural storm which broke several containers of Loose Fumes forming a giant smoky concoction of various potions. Engulfing the village and killing half the population. Leaving the other half seriously injured.
TG20 Statblock:
HP - 8
DS - 10
Spit - Ranged 1d4 + potion effect


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