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Quill of Scryptia

The legendary quill of Scryptia is a one of a kind writing tool with the magical ability to bring things into existence. This blue coloured feather and silver tipped utensil was first used and created by Scryptia, Acuran of Language as a way to bring her writing to life both physically and metaphorically.  

How it Works:

Using the quill is simple but getting an outcome is complex. The feather is engraved with a combination of shimmering runes that absorb aura from the air and transfer the magic from the writer's mind to the written word. Then manifests whatever has been written into reality for a limited amount of time. Scryptia, was able to use the quill to create an entire pocket realm she could access at will. Lesser magical beings will only be able to create constructs for a day, perhaps two for more powerful arcane users.   The quill also has a limitation on exactly what it can create. For example, no life can be created and the things need at least three descriptive words in order for the magic to comprehend what it needs to create. More complex items require more description in order to work.  
The quill of Scryptia? If it was here I would surely know about such a thing, in fact I would be certain of it. Not for personal use of course. Simply to admire such a beautiful artefact that inspires the imagination. Then again, there is secrets of this place even I am unaware of...
— Librarian of Birohhal

The Dark Brothers of Grimm:

During the age of Exploration, long after Scryptia had passed away, the quill was sat idle in the tomb of the Acuran. That is until the tomb was raided by archeologists who found the quill and sold it to an explorer of the human realm. Once in this foreign realm it found its way to the Grimm Brothers, who found the magic of the quill rather exhilarating.   The imgination of the Grimm brothers along with the power of the quill posed a danger to the human realm and was later retrieved by the Realm Rangers. Safely returning it to the city of Birohhal, where it was agreed to be kept protected in the The Great Library. As far as the public believe, the quill still resides in the library's shrine to Scryptia.
Item type
Unique Artifact


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