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Splock are part of the animated plantlife that exists within the more darker and damper corners of the world. These mushroom stalk creatures crawl around on the ground looking around at their surroundings for any potential danger. Naturally defending itself from larger beasts and monsters.  


These dull white critters typically stand about 8 inches tall but some have been known to grow a foot tall. Resembling a noodly, round topped mushroom but a more unnerving appearance of having multiple eyes on its circular head. It moves around with four legs that bend and twist from its trunk of a body to scurry along faster than expected.  
I do not like them. Simply an awful critter. Why do they have so many eyes? Do they need all of them? Master El-Sor says they can be dangerous in numbers but I'd rather stay away from any of them if I can help it.
— Zunelle, Hunter in training


The Splock are brought to life in dark and damp conditions, making swamps, rainforests and natural caves the perfect spawning place for these fungal insects. Hatching from eggs that take roughly a month to explode into life, these walking eye sticks typically crawl around in small groups ranging from two to six.  
Potential Plot Hook: In the deepest and darkest parts of the wilderness, where the monsters run wild. There are whispers of Splock growing out of proportion, gaining new mind bending abilities. Some even gaining the ability to communicate with Sorcerers and Necromancers who get lost in the woods. A team of hunters went in search of answer but they never returned...


Psybeam - From one of its wandering eyes, a psychic blasts the target with surpring force. 1d4 ranged damage, chance to stun the target upon a critial roll.   Psychic resistance - This creature is unaffected by psychic based magic. This includes spellcasting, charms and potions.
TG20 Statblock:
HP - 10
DS - 11
Psychic Resistance
Psybean - 1d4 ranged (stun)


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