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The Book of Akan

"The Akan you say? Hmm, can't say it one I am familiar with. Let me check the back." The librarian climbs off his wooden perch and disappears into the bookshelves, leaving you at the desk to entertain yourself for a couple of minutes. Occasionally you see him from left to right and back again, murmuring to himself with sounds of confusion and frustration. Eventually he comes forward with a single leather-bound book in his hands.   "Well, it wasn't easy. But I managed to find you this." Looking rather proud and showing off a thin textbook. "You know it's funny, I've scanned and checked the shelves in the 'Realms' section hundreds of times and never noticed this before. Must be real rare what you're looking for." The old man gives you a mischievous grin before signing out the book and allowing you to touch the cold cover to read in one of the many alcoves found inside the Great Library.   Whilst skimming through the pages of ink scribed onto pages, you pick out some of the following extracts.



While no remains of the Akan were ever discovered by explorers, the texts and art found in the realm help give a general understanding of their appearance. Largely Sorcerer like beings, standing on two legs but with more insect-esque features. Tough, rubbery skin coated with a paint of murky green. Large night black eyeballs on either side of the head with a matching pair of antenna replacing where hair would reside. Limbs looked similar to those on Violem but instead having three digits instead of five. A distinct feature of this species comes in the form of a defensive shell on their back, also depicted in shades of moss and grass. Another variance in anatomy is the description of translucent wings hidden under the shell.   Whilst exploring the ancient cities of this extinct species, very little evidence was found regarding clothing or armour. Archaeologists suspects the closest they came to clothes was basic cloth that they wrapped around themselves. Their skin and shell seemed to be enough natural defence to withstand the environment.    

Sensory Advantages:

Unlike most species found across the realms, the Akan are believed to have possessed extra sensory abilities. The biggest and most prominent ability came in the form of super sensitive hearing. Which allowed these sentient bug like beings to hear the faintest and often in-perceivable vibrations travelling in air, water and stone. With this ability, the Akan developed something akin to magic in the form of Shiver Gems, more on them later on. The only other known ability of this deceased race is their movement speed being twice as fast as any Minauran could achieve. Both their exceptional hearing and increased speed and agility were derived from ancient texts. Including an insightful diary, translated by the scholars of Birohhal, that detailed everyday life in this realm.    


Like most of the smaller insects found in the forests and fields of Cytal, these larger bug creatures made homes for themselves under the surface. Tunnelling around to create a network of pathways to connect each burrow. These tunnels are a common finding in the realm of the Akan, with many leading to vast clearings exposing cities. Filled with sprawling bridges connecting one side to another, holes within walls to enter carved out rooms and intricate monuments that stand out to honour the deities that ruled over this realm.   Each monument having a statue made of metallic material and embellished with Shiver Gems and minerals that would cast a shadow on the city scape surrounding it. Standing tall on a circular platform of solid rock, the statues are lifted into the centre of the expansive caverns by twelve pillars. Each engraved with symbols relating to the god represented in metallic form. It is believed there is five of these celestial beings that the Akan prayed to, each one representing one of the five senses (Sight, Touch, Smell, Taste and Hearing).   Before the ban of travel between realms was enforced, many Acuran and exploration groups, like the Realm Rangers, searched for any signs of the Akan in physical form. Instead all they were greeted with was the absence of any body. No evidence of tombs or morgues or decaying life forms, leaving these wonderers of the realms feeling perplexed. To this day, it is unclear why the Akan realm is empty of life but it is presumed that whatever souls lived there are long deceased.  
I don't I've seen anything quite like it, at least not in our realm It felt as if we had been shrunk and finding ourselves in an ant hill. But the lack of bodies was concerning. I've done enough trips to know there always some kind of body, or creature or skeleton of the natives. Not here though. It was unsettling to say the least. Not planning to go back anytime soon, at least not by choice.
— Zevus, Realm Ranger

Resonating Magic:

One of the most interesting discoveries in the realm of the Akan was the crystal clusters found across the surface of the planet. Hidden under blankets of dust, dried grass and small pebbles, these clusters were named by the Acuran that found them Shiver Gems. Due to them being hidden from the cold winds whipping in the air and their unique abilities when coming into contact with particular sounds.   These Shiver Gems work akin to an enchanted jewel from the local blacksmith. When the gems receive the correct vibration they begin to glow and resonate magical energy into the environment. Often casting elemental spells like forcing the clouds to rain or igniting a roaring flame. Unlike enchantments however, these magical formations seem to be limited to the type of spell it can cast as well as the number of times a spell can be cast. Texts of the Akan have led us to believe that wielding one of these Shiver Gems was a rare occurrence and given to beings that were seen as worthy. Often a gift to warriors and protectors of the cities.   How the gems are activated are a mystery to us, many scholars believe incantations in the native tongue of the Akan will activate the gems. Other interpretations suggest the sensitive hearing of the Akan may have given the insectoids a connection to the gems, a rudimentary form of communication that unlocked the correct sounds to activate the magic within. Whatever the method of activating the Shiver Gems, it remains a mystery. The only known location of Shiver Gems and various other artefacts gathered from across the realms were lost after the disbandment of the Realm Rangers during the age of Darkness.


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Jan 17, 2024 23:23 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Interesting article and a nice, enthrallingly immersive introduction paragraph. Thanks for sharing and entering this into the Special Category. God bless and much success with your New Year's plans! <3