Zira Character in Vionsria | World Anvil
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Zira is the leader of the Cult of Tempester and the most feared of the cult's top ranks. Zira is said to be insane, without mercy, as well as manipulative. Those who know Chiren and Zira say they are total opposites in their personality.   I am not putting much here cause it will tread into spoiler territory

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Looks like a teenager although she is over 1000. She is abnormally thin yet she makes up for it in strength. Able to bend her limbs in any way.

Body Features

Pale soft skin ruptured by stitches

Facial Features

Doll-like face with stitches

Identifying Characteristics

Body covered in scars and stitches

Special abilities

Accelerated healing, increased defense, increased speed, increased strength, increased dexterity, immunity to viruses

Specialized Equipment

Specializes in bows and swords

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zira was the first attempt at resurrection of a dead person. Using a doll with the same materials and chemicals humans are made up of they started the resurrection of a woman they did not know. They succeeded but also failed, they created a homologous instead. They afterwards experimented on Zira, these experiments left Zira mentally scared as well as physically. After a few decades she couldn't stand the torture and killed all of the self proclaimed 'nekromancers'.

Gender Identity

Does not have a physical gender due to being a reanimation, yet she considers herself as a female



Failures & Embarrassments

The experiments done on her that she never stopped as well as abandoning her children.

Mental Trauma

The experiments scarred her as well as traumatized her,

Intellectual Characteristics

Linguistic, Manipulative

Morality & Philosophy

The world is cruel, why are we no exception, enjoy it!


Killed many innocents, harm to self, exc

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Great at Manipulation

Personality Quirks

High pitched laughter, will twitch when upset


Has no need for hygiene, or to be exact she doesn't really care about it.
Chaotic Evil
Year of Birth
1926 ADF 3147 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Was created by a group of people who wished to bring a person back to life.
glass red eyes
Long, messy, red hair
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Character Prototype
Zira is meant to be the opposite of Chiren, they are eachother's foils.

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