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Ruled by:

Victor Bellum

Governing Figure or Organization:

Adventure's Guild run by Akiza.

Religious Influences:


Seen as the Earth Mother of the land.


  • Recently destroyed and rebuilt by the Fortune's Favorites.
  • As the group advances their own goals they can help rebuild the city up.

Racial Distribution:

  • 75% Dwarf
  • 15% Human
  • 6% Halfling
  • 4% Other



  • (Ex: Grain, Livestock)


  • (Ex: Arms/Armaments, Jewelry)

Notable Specialties:

  • (Ex: High-grade Dwarf/Giant crafted arms/armaments, engineering (siege equipment/macrotech)


  • (Ex: Unique Dwarven Mining Guild, Unique Dwarven Craft Guild)

Subversive Elements:

  • (Ex: Smuggling Ring/Thieves Guild, Cult of "Insert Evil Deity")


(Visual description of the city, its inhabitants, and/or a "Day in the life")


(General section for other information, Historical Information)


Since this is the first place PCs usually head, I put this one first. I usually list 1-3 inns, cheapest at top. I give it a name, a short description and how much rooms cost. Most PCs don't care who owns it and with the % chart I can make a random NPC quick if they decide they do care.


Typically 2nd stop for PCs, I give a name, list a few drinks/ foods and cost and move on.


What god the temple honors, short description of priests, list of services/ spells/ potions they offer


I usually list just 1 or 2 smiths, magic shops (or alchemists for low magic), and general shops and throw everything else in the Marketplace.


Here I list minor but unique storefronts, secret poison dealers, dagger/ shield/ fletcher specialists, antique collectors, jewelers. If my PCs go looking for something they wouldn't find in your typical smithy or general store, they head here.

Other Locales:

This is where I list gladiatorial pits, mage towers, bard colleges, opera houses, anything that doesn't fit the other categories.

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